For Family And Country.

"Hello" to the moderators of /r/ACGASTV
I wish you all the best and hope I'm able to prove to your satisfaction that I am indeed real.
Need further proof? Go to the UnitedPeople party that I also founded in Ireland by clicking HERE.
Facebook account HERE - and Bluesky account HERE.
Thanks, Jeff Rudd.
For us some things are simple.
- You cannot claim to be a supporter of human rights if you then support an oppressor of human rights.
- You cannot claim to support the innocent Gaza people if you then support an evil person, who in turn, is supporting an Israel murderous, oppressive, land-stealing government.
- You cannot claim to support female rights and equality, then show support for a female abuser and in New York law, a convicted rapist. A person who suppresses the rights of women and young girls, who treats them as trash, who trashy references them as such. A person who open statement supported a paedophile.
- You cannot claim to be supporting "free expression" when people you further support, are using tools and methods to suppress expression that they hate.
- You cannot claim to be a supporter of "freedom of belief" when, at the same time, you support others wishing to force a religion on you, who then have plans to shove theirs down the throat of others.
- You cannot claim to oppose political corruption when you turn a conveniently blind eye to someone you also like, who themselves, is massively politically and financially corrupt - and there's a mass of documented evidence and facts to clearly prove this.
- You cannot claim to be on the side of justice when at the same time, you support those who are freeing criminals and/or mixing with them, turning a blind eye to their own crimes or the crimes of friends, business mates and even family.
- You cannot condemn murders and killers when at the same time, you are incredibly willing to support or shake the hands of people that by their own acts, have caused unnecessary deaths.
- You cannot claim that you want the best for Ireland and its people, when in double standards, you then support a person who wants to undermine our businesses, wants to cause Ireland unemployment and undermine the financial status of every Ireland person along with the further ramifications of that alone.
- You cannot claim that you want the best for Ireland, while you support people, foreign or domestic, who are out to undermine people's ability to exist, ability to remain financially stable or remain equal in human rights.
- You cannot claim to be truly open-minded when you refuse to fully absorb, contemplate and accept what's written here.
- I could continue - but overall, I see a lot of hypocrisy, stupidity, double standards and more, in the world and my country today.
The world needs more educated people, not less (it's important for better ability to critical think). Oppressors want more stupid people, so they can be then exploited and led like sheep even more.
The way things are going right now, I genuinely fear for the future of Ireland, America, its people and for the future of my children and all our children, while all try to exist on a planet of crazy double standards, utter stupidity and too much complacency. We have to start making clear stands for what we are and what we best want for all Ireland people. It's not the poor or disadvantaged that are being cruelly targeted for excuse or exploitation, that have our country in the corrupt place it resides. It's those in power-suits that are either our fixers or our ultimate liars and betrayers. It's about time more people copped this on and not allow themselves to be distracted by the political and financial devious.

Will Enough Ireland People Ever Learn?

Last Week Of November 2022

UnitedPeople supports the actions of Dogs Trust Ireland in their aim of ending puppy farming. They currently have a petition up and running regarding this issue. It can be found HERE. We hope everyone takes time to support their efforts by signing it. Thank you.

Check out the aims of UnitedPeople - click HERE
Husband - Wife - Parents

Jeff Rudd
Occasional I.T. geek, Sci-fi fan, book reader, student of history, political party founder and once in a while, help to others.

Joanne Rudd
Another Sci-fi geek but also fan of zombies! Big kid at heart but adult of age. Doesn't suffer fools gladly!
Business And Photography.
Click on any of the two images above, to discover more.
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