Let me tell you a story about in good part, why we are short of nurses, doctors, specialists, drugs, etc. It’s made of up of parts that at the end, for those with ability to join dots or add together the parts, will see a bigger picture at the end. Truth – it’s a long story but for those willing to read on, you get a better education. Perhaps a shocking one – but an education all the same.
This story starts off with a Fine Gael and Labour government. During their period of government power they did many dastardly things. Many of these this were kept quiet about, as they did them. RTE failed to report such matters along with other biased media who deliberately distracted a nation in other directions. How and why they did this, is another story for another day.
The FG/Labour government in one national act of betrayal, decided to quietly introduce legislation that would create a relaxation of purchasing laws, remove penalties imposed upon companies and persons up to no good and take away numeric limitations regarding the grabbing of not just properties but masses of Ireland land too.
The next thing we knew in the years thereafter, was a FG/Labour created, foreign invasion of property vultures, gamblers and corporations that saw the dastardly acts of the two parties as an invitation to run riot in Ireland. In fact, this is exactly what the two parties wanted – as did Fianna Fail in then opposition. You see, these acts along with others, were part of a bigger European plan from Brussels. They sought the ramming in of the TTIP treaty.
The next bit of this story is VERY IMPORTANT. Part of the TTIP (also FF/FG/Labour) agenda was the privatisation of as much each European nations public services, as much as possible. Ways must be found to make state services be broken up as best possible, as quietly as possible – so that private companies and rich individual investors could then greater profit from the effects of state departments (and job roles within) being privatised.
If this meant deliberately running down a state service – such as a health department – while trying in PR terms to make it public look that one was doing their best to officially carry out their elected role – then quiet double standards would have to exist – and they did. Still do!
To their dismay, for reasons too long to go into here, the plans that elected traitors had for TTIP, eventually failed to come into signed treaty completion. What could they ever do they wondered? Well, in this tale they decided to continue breaking up state departments, the assets they held (land, roads, train services, water services, etc) and they continued to ‘sequester’ (pressgang) civil service staff into other roles that were suddenly – deliberately quietly – moved into private company setups (like Seetec and Turas Nua – re: JobPath. Another racket involving Euro millions). In short, the privatisation agenda continued.
The power that be, then created #CETA. This was to be a fresh alternative to TTIP. Reworded text and further updating of legal wording, between the lines of this next latest Ireland/European plan, was the exact same agenda. The privatisation of state services so that private corporations and individuals could greater mega financial profit. The agenda of the parties involved had not changed. It had just been officially moved from one treaty to another.
So secret was (still is) the wording of the TTIP and now CETA treaty, that to even see it in full, Euro elected people had (still do) further to enter a locked room with no recording devices. They were and still are not allowed to take copies of it. The general public of Ireland and of Europe are not allowed to read the full text of the treaties that is being even today, being undemocratic rammed down everyone’s throats. Yes, in this tale we can say “undemocratic” – as the parties involved at NO STAGE have gone to their national citizens for their vote approval to adopt any privatisation agenda or the subsequent second form of treaty now quietly being slipped into being.
Please still bear with me.
One of the many effects of a now CETA agenda, had led to the housing crises in Ireland. You see, as the vultures from around the world raced into Ireland, along with our own greedy Irish people, this massively helped to (a) create a housing/apartment shortage and (b) helped to hike up prices of homes/apartments so much, that Ireland is now officially the most expensive place to live in the world.
This is bad news for new generations of young people looking for places to stay but it’s great news for those that have indulged in mass vulture property grabbing activity. Those doing this now includes many elected Irish ministers and yes, even a sitting Taoiseach. It could be claimed (a) they are all at it and (b) for those elected, they are operating “Conflicts of Interest” that in other world states is deemed FULLY ILLEGAL – but like many other things, you are not supposed to know all this. RTE, etc, is in no hurry to tell you – as are your local and national elected from same parties involved. They combined silence is deafening – possibly even criminal.
My story continues. With (deliberate?) run down state services, skilled staff trying to barely survive, have had to move away in further distance from their once home towns and work locations. They know that jobs are out there for them but they cannot afford to physically move to a location because the cost of rent living is just way too high. They cannot afford a mortgage or can’t even come close to qualifying for one, due to low rates of pay and/or the stupid inflated housing prices that greedy vultures have national imposed after their now allowed mass bulk buying.
The government of the day, after serious political pressure and seeing a public looking on, no longer willing to greater vote support them – then tried on another legislation stunt. To great hurrah and making as much positive PR noise as possible through RTE and other biased media, they announced that they were bringing in laws to curtail the antics of the very vultures they deliberate allowed to flood in.
However, to their dismay, others and I exposed that, when their legislation was examined in actual detail, apartments were actually STILL ALLOWED to be mass bulk bought and in fact, through quiet loopholes, the vultures of the world could still buy large clumps of housing stock across Ireland. RTE, etc, of course have repeatedly failed to highlight this too.
So, now as regarding our hospital/health/housing/education crises is concerned, very few in Ireland can actually afford to take up jobs that are there for the taking. Schools cannot get the staff they need because teachers cannot afford to rent, never mind try buy, any properties with miles of where a new job might be up for the grabbing.
The same “cannot afford to rent/buy” situation apples to nurses, lower admin staff, x-ray specialists, bone, cancer and drug specialists across the breath of Ireland. Even worse, those that are still able to barely exist in a state that has mega expensive costs of basic living, are further up and exiting the state for new horizons where they can buy a decent home at a decent price – and have a far better chance of working to live and enjoy life, rather than struggling at living to just work as they are slave-driven into the ground by overpaid/perked elected that has betrayed them – and you – in the first place and from the very beginning. You are not supposed to cop all this – and yes – RTE, etc, is in no hurry to educate you.
SIDE QUESTION: Has the current ever increasing housing crises (deliberate created or sustained?) helped to greater profit vulture landlords? Here a few links that might suggest an answer: LINK1 – LINK2 – LINK3 – LINK4 –
Now, if you think it will be easy to check on some of the details of my story, it will be – to an extent. You see, given the undemocratic agenda embarked upon by Fine Gael and Labour, backed by Fianna Fail, the principle two main parties in their last days of previous office also quietly brought in legislation that mean that “Freedom of Information” requests would be greater hindered/blocked from occurring. They saw to it by dying office day legislation, quickly rammed in, also undemocratic brought in (no public permission sought for their agenda) so that public and journalists couldn’t access a mass on information that they once could have access to. You’re not supposed to know this either – but the facts of this part of my tale can be verified too.
My tale ends now with the current situation in Ireland. Those that are up to their necks in guilt, in regard to creating many a mess, are now trying to PR themselves out of it – in part by trying to look like they are doing something and pass the blame on to others, same time.
* The usual distraction tactics are being tried on.
* The usual scare tactics are being regurgitated by the usual political chancers and law breakers.
* The usual acts on non-accountability and “let’s have another inquiry” are being dosed out.
Meanwhile, the public is once again being left money robbed, pressganged, overworked, overstressed, homeless, taxed to the hilt, made fools out of and more, while those that have brought all this about, will in time swan off to other roles that they know reward awaits them in private sectors they have helped to mass greater profit at the publics daily expense. It’s #HowIrelandWorks currently.
All this and more will continue until more people of Ireland wake up to greater reality, stop being quiet and complacent – and then hopefully vote better by not opting for the usual traditional bunch of party enablers at their local levels.
My – and your – story continues. However, you and I can still get to choose how it ends by 2024 (local elections) and by 2025 though a general election. How are you going to help write the end of our story? With the usual “same old” ending – or take Ireland’s story for once, into a new direction? It’s ultimately up to you…
To be continued…