• To the “TL;DR” moaners – including criminal Trump cultists – who can’t be bothered to read anything of substance – like this post – remain closeminded and still likely a lot more stupid. The rest of us will study further matters in detail and then debate with far better intelligence and clear focus points. The latter process is how matters become far better analysed and then addressed.



At some point in the future, humanity if it still exists, will look back at the preceding years and decades and wonder how humans were so bloody stupid repeatedly. In full disclosure, the present generation you and I are living through, are already asking that about past generations – ironically while we too act completely stupid at the same time.

Initially I’m going to focus on the USA (part one), but shortly thereafter, I’m going to return to our own Ireland island (part two) in another post. Before I even start, at this very start, I admit that this post is going to be of substance. So, if anyone wants to abandon ship in reading, it’s best to do so now.

Within my very first paragraph I propose a scenario that I hypothesise will likely occur. Within this post I look at just some of the possible already evidential components that will lead humans to reach a yet incoming conclusion. That being the election of convicted criminal fraudster and rapist, Donald Trump.

…And before the Trump cultists stupidly claim “He wasn’t convicted of rape“… This…



Off to America we go.

It’s now November 13th, 2024. I state this for historical record, for those later reading in the future. As present in short, this is where the American economy stands while still being far from perfect and glowing as best it should.

  • American inflation rate: 2.1%
  • Unemployment rate: 4%
  • American GDP: 3%
  • Manufacturing is successful, in good stability and continuing (so far) to get better.

In short, USA economy after Biden/Obama efforts and that of the Democrats, have improved along with rights of many Americans individually.  Donald Trump and his transition team are already breaking the law. Trump and co still refuse to sign an ethics agreement that is required in part because of concerns over the mandatory ethics pledge vowing to avoid conflicts of interest once sworn in to office. The ethics agreement, which is required by law under the Presidential Transition Act, applies to all members of the transition team.

Trump has pledged to abolish the Department of Education. On the 2024 campaign trail, he repeatedly stated that he saw the agency as a symbol of federal overreach into the everyday lives of American families. His repeatedly own words and stated agenda. The non-stupid people in the world will quickly think to themselves “Hang on a minute! Trump also then intends to change laws and regulations so that his and mad GOP party can then by edict (authoritarian ruling) tell Americans how they later must conduct themselves”. Yes, that means he and the mad GOP party will themselves overreach, dictate (nanny orders) to other USA citizens and their children, what to do, where to do it and when at times, to do it! Telling them they must all pray to one religion (Catholicism, as Trump has already self-stated – link), when and where – is just one example. When it comes to “overreach into the everyday lives of American families”, yes, it’s open hypocrisy of the stark-staring obvious order to the non-stupid or non-deliberate blinkered.

…And all this can be easily seen, just going by Trump’s own words alone.

I say it all the time, I’m dying to get back to do this. We will ultimately eliminate the federal Department of Education,” he said in September during a rally in Wisconsin. He is promising to take a wrecking ball to the department of American education. How this will affect hundreds of thousands also, who have children attending school with conditions such as Autism, Aspergers, Scoliosis, Dyslexia, Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Dyspraxia, anxiety disorders, intellectual developmental disorder and more, remains to be seen – as the current (and past) existing department of American education deals with such things and more. Closing the department down – or best case senario under Trump, even some parts of it – will lead to utter chaos within state operations, other functioning bodies working with the department, major funding chaos and the knock-on effect on hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of parents is going to be something else to be seen and then further suffered!


Let’s Discuss Tariffs.


Tariffs are when imported goods are brought into a country, the government charges an extra imposed fee. This makes imported goods more expensive than local ones. Who is the fee imposed on? The business importer of those goods – regardless of what country they are coming from. The business importer than must recover these imposed increased costs – by passing them on to the everyday shop street buying customer. That’s including you.  Your goods will get more expensive.

Local goods of course won’t have this extra government-imposed tariff (tax). However, local goods come about in part, if not in whole sometimes, due to using primary products that have been also brought in from outside a state border. Even sticking to more local obtained components that will be priced as a value that will not be able to often match any incoming export equivalent, this means that local made goods could still be more expensive than goods made elsewhere with even a tariff/tax imposed on it. At the end of the day, the customer will end up paying a financial price – not any foreign Chinese (or other) government.

There are some advantages to imposed tariffs. Some money collected from tariffs goes to a government, which it can use it as if sees fit to. Buy more weapons, build more army bases or other many state/country/city applications. By making imported goods more expensive, tariffs try to encourage people to buy locally made products, in turn hopefully helping local businesses grow – if they can also compete in quality, style and price and location (and more) factors. Countries sometimes use tariffs as a bargaining tool in trade negotiations to get better deals from other countries.


Trump (again by his own words) and the GOP, wish to slap on tariffs on many ranges of goods coming from a lot more countries around the world. Of course, those other countries and oversight economic bodies won’t take it all and stand for it. They will most assuredly retaliate by imposing greater tariffs of their own on American made goods. This has happened before. History has lessons to teach here.


Retaliatory tariffs imposed on American goods will in turn make them far more expensive to buy and export to other countries. American farming goods, American factory-made products and much more, will get more expensive for (a) other country business to stock by and (b) then other country citizens to more expensive buy in shops. The affect of this will be less American goods bough – so that back home in America, farming and factories will see their own sales of goods decline, leading to staff wages cuts, staff, hours cut and for those that cannot survive a further possible recession, closures of businesses. A tariff war can bring all thisand Trump is heading to start one – by his own words of wishing to impose tariffs on other states – who in turn will hit back! You were repeatedly warned America voters. You will get a lot of what you voted for.


Let’s Address Military Issues.

Trump and his party say that they make the world safer. Have they? No. Simply no. The Republican Party has been just as involved in past wars, coups, foreign land invasions, government overthrows and much more, as have the Democratic Party. Anyone that says or espouses any different is outright lying and/or has their head stuck up their rear after first briefly taking off their blinkers, to get it up there. In short, the two parties have blood and mass deaths on their hands.

Will Trump and his crazy isolationist agenda make the world safer? Let’s list the immediate obvious to non-stupid, non-blinkered people.

  1. Global Instability: Without the involvement of major country powers and international joined organisations in international affairs, conflicts and crises in other parts of the world do remain escalates and further unchecked. They also vastly increase by lack of oversight, economic and political pressure
  2. Economic Consequences: Isolationism can lead (and previously has done) to reduced trade and economic cooperation, which can harm the global economy and lead to economic instability. Trade routes, stock markets, companies large and small, people of the world, all and more, domino falling effect affected.
  3. Lack of Cooperation: When global challenges arise like pandemics, climate change, and terrorism acts that require international cooperation to halt and investigate such matters, isolationism completely hinders such efforts to address these issues effectively.

Stepping back and doing nothing – or far, far less – will allow the likes of China to further progressing the Invasion of Taiwan, Russia (Putin especially) to run amok regarding Ukraine and other locations, North Korea to up it’s own nuke building attempts, crating even longer reaching missiles – and other countries getting up to much more antics too – as they know that the USA is now going to do far less or indeed, bugger all.  So how the likes of Pete Hegseth (a Fox News host and Trump proposed secretary of defence) and Trump can November 12th claim that “America will never back down”, is once again more staggering hypocrisy slapping others in the face to plainly see.

In short, by doing far less or nothing, the world will certainly not be safer. “When good men (and women) do nothing, evil persists!”. How quick and stupid we are to forget!

…And for those that say that America won’t be affected by other global wars starting, continuing or even getting mixed up with each other, it’s complete short-sighted stupidness of the utmost level. Trade routs affected, oil and gas prices rising, people and company foreign assets affected and much, much more… In a modern world, Isolationism is a complete disaster. There are live examples, as well as past ones, that today and history prove this. The still stupid refuse to observe and learn. Today they are being lead over a cliff of further impending disaster by a criminal multi-convicted, aging orange face-painted, dictator loving lunatic. The world is supposed to be safer in his or his similar thinking minion hands? Only the ultimate stupid will still say so.


Human Rights In America.

To summarise, the Republican Party has opposed and remains opposed to:

– Paid sick leave
– Paid family & medical leave
– Universal childcare
– Better workers rights
– Universal pre-K
– Tax increases on corporations & the rich
– The expanded Child Tax Credit
– Student debt relief
– Maternity paid leave
– Female rights regarding body sovereignty
…and much more.

…But hey, everything is the fault of an illegal immigrant, right? Let’s primarilly target and blame them.
(For the stupid, that’s sarcasm)


While the rest of the world – including a majority of other capitalist countries – are proving such rights and benefits as they far larger recognise the clear advantages of doing so, America is still many decades way behind in doing the same. The two main parties have for own selfish reasons completely held back from progressing many social, work, medical and practical aspects within its very country borders. Why? Short version – so that more elites can more greatly profit while the vast bulk of America is left without much more. A situation vastly enabled by bought off parties and politicians.

Many of the above rights and benefits mentioned are long recognised and long allowed by all states of Europe and elsewhere. America has been kept so backward in rights, it’s still in worst vestiges of the dark times regarding human progress. …And then idiotic America votes to keep this crap up – and now under Trump things will get much worse – going alone just by his very own agenda stated words. No, I haven’t even had to mention “Project 2025”. We are just sticking with Trump’s own words and that of the GOP that are sycophantic arse-kissing cultists, still.

With hand on my heart, I say that anyone can continue to list many areas, issues and topics where Trump and his minions are truly going to screw-up, flip over in utter disaster and make so many mistakes that it will take generations to do damage repair, where repairs will even still be possible! I could write a whole book on things Trump is going royally screw-up on – and again I point out – by listening to his very own agenda spoke words alone.

…And this will only be one further example of chaos starting as departments lose trained, experienced professionals, only to be replaced by unexperienced, far less trained or even non-trained Trump sycophantic cultists.

History has thousands of lessons to teach us. We are human. We cannot learn them all. We can aspire to, but we are human, we are biologically determined to continue making mistakes because of various factors including allowing our emotional responses to overcome our should be better practical addressing of matters.

So it is that in years and decades to come, there’s going to be a load of regret. Much of it will root because of the re-election of Trump, his sycophants’ equal actions while in office and the knock-on effects of it all. Too many Americans are refusing to
(a) learn from history,
(b) better formally or informally educate themselves while
(c) once again the like of Trump takes advantage of lower educated, narrow-minds them and plays on their fears – like any other, many a previous power hungry at any price, dictator or authoritarian before them!

It will then be left to future generations to
(a) recognise one again another era of complete utter stupidity
(b) recognise that the masses can still be modern mass mislead and
(c) once again try come up with better ways to face such situations occurring and over come them before once again, history repeats itself for the umpteenth time.

Sooner or later, the human race only gets so many chances to get things right. As we continue to screw-up, the globe and its contents will ultimately pay a non-reversable price. Within all of human stupidity, whatever else we do or not learn, we must learn that we can only afford to make so many mistakes before the world blows up or is destroyed one way or other. We are our own future creators of success or failure. In the meanwhile, we are still having to cope with many regrets and with Trump in America charge, by simply listening to his own very words, there is much regret to come and be made. God help us all. God help the young girls and older women of America. God help human rights. God help the USA economy. God help world peace.


END NOTE: There will be those that will immediately try to open or covertly, try attack this post due to three points, just to begin with. Let me address those here.

  1. Gaslighting
  2. Preference to the Democrats.
  3. Ireland, stay out of it. “What’s it got to do with you!
  1. There will be those that will say others who dare to speak up, along with myself, are simply “gaslighting”. This is often a cheap, easy short insulting soundbite thrown out by those that in opposition and of often limited intelligence. They are incapable of going point by point rebuttal. Often it’s to them, too much like hard work. Yes, there are people who troll like to ‘gaslight’ others. These idiots do sadly exist and to deny such, would be stupid. However, there are others (and I hope I am one of them) that raise matters and specific points out of genuine concern, not just to be troll-like and “bitching” or a “sore loser” in the eyes of others.
    Quite simply, the process of better analytical breakdown, proper professional discussion and then solution finding, is how many matters become far better analysed and then addressed. To put everything down to just “Gaslighting” because one disagrees or simple doesn’t like what’s heard or seen, is massive short-sighted stupidity. It’s a cheap, lazy shot for the gormnless, of lesser intelligence or oppertunity to get better educated.
  2. As you will not in this extensive post alone, I mention in negative terms, the antics of the American Democrat Party. On my Facebook page, I have many times done same – as I have questioned the antics of the Republican Party. In short, at times, too many times, one is as bad as the other. I could list many crimes at home in America and worldwide, that both parties are up to their equal necks in – and I have often mentioned them.
  3. What’s Trump and the GOP got to do with Ireland (and other countries)? Everything. Trump, his cult followers be they (supposedly) educated or not, will have either positive or negative many ripple effects on many matters that like a stone dropping in a lake, will send out many rippling effects worldwide. These effects will affect me, those I live with or love and my country, as it will all do so with other people in other foreign countries around the globe.
    To think that what’s happening now in America and what’s to still come just by Trump’s own spoken agenda words, won’t affect others around the globe, is more utter stupidity. Quite frankly, there been enough recent stupidly as it is, including during the American presidential election voting process. Ireland is no longer just a closed off island. It exists within a global community and the antics of one, can and will affect the stability and abilities of others. History proves this repeatedly as time progresses. It’s again time to stop being stupid. It’s again time to learn from existing stupidity and again, put wrongs to rights again. People individually, as a country, as a globe, only will get so many chances. We must not forget this ultimate lesson; else we will most assuredly pay an ultimate price.

Hitler also hired a lot of people because of cult blind loyality. The fact that they had bugger all related skills to bring to the departments and sections they were to run, quickly exposed just how such madness was to carry a heavy punishing price!
