Ireland right now.
- Systemic corporate, departmental and political greed,
- Systemic political corruption,
- Cronyism, nepotism,
- Burying of state reports from public attention,
- Corrupting other reports concerning abuses that were previously under state management and/or oversight,
- Consistent immoral protection of guilty that reside in office positions at state and local levels,
- Governments still breaking national and international laws – VRT – illegal data stealing – illegal data transfer within departments – illegal data giveaway to private companies – covering up fraud – covering up state pressganging (JobPath and similar) – illegal use of the PSC – insider trading and decisions made through elected carrying out ‘conflict of interest’ actions (further seeing their own accounts financial rewarded), LINK
- Pressganging into treaties, agreements, closed door deals, deals, WHO setups that undermine our very constitution rights thereby contained within, military alliances (further weakening constitution neutrality by covert practices),
- Referendums asked for – denied. Referendums needed on other matters – not also allowed. Result: bad democracy or no democracy,
- Vulture protection and advancement – especially when other EU national alone, are cracking down on their questionable greed activities,
- Biased state media – in some cases, possible political connected board members operating in close tie with family and/or friends,
- Exploitation of charity laws to the benefit of political parties – and by effect, their individuals contained within,
- Breaking of an international Human Rights Declaration,
- Allowing criminals and organisations, old and newer, to escape accountability and prosecution,
- Medical malpractice cover-ups,
- Regular political double standards – “Do as we say – not as we do“…
- Protecting to elected who are currently breaking laws or who have previously aided and abetted in the breaking of them.
- Imbalance regarding laws applied between the ordinary citizen and a new breed of apparent state department and elected untouchables.
You are starting to get the picture and the above listed, is a mere scratch of a deeper surface. I know it – I’m sure you know it. In fact, since the 2020 government formed, they on their own, have been connected to 70+ scandals, exposed farces, criminality and more. They still continue. RTE is just not reporting on many of them.
(Word search on Facebook and Twitter: “RTEcensored”)
The Current State Of Play.
- The Executive. People elected by their fellow citizens, on a standard rate that is usually once every five years. This in turn, barring resignations and coalitions becoming unstable, makes many elected near un-sackable by the public, for what could be five long years. In those five years, every day, every week, every month, million or Euro billions could be lost through errors, the incompetent, continuing corruption and more. In a digital world where Euro millions can be transferred in seconds, five years in indeed a long time for bad state department official and bad elected, to remain at their positions. A deliberate, public hampered ability to stifle such acts, be they error based or corruption based, is no longer good enough in a faster operating world. If elected refuse to act, then it’s up to the people to act in defense of their state and sometimes in regard to their very health, wealth and potential future.
. - The Judiciary. This is a elite section of within Ireland, unelected officials to fundamentally write our laws, interpret and integrate our laws into society, at times, alter, ignore and use them as they see fit on any day, with ever changing moods that sometimes could emotionally take over them within any given hour. The public has very little or no ability to hold them accountable. A few very wealthy percentage might, by rare use of expensive barristers and their application of further select laws that are usually way beyond reach of the average helpless citizen.
. - The Legislators. These are another group of elites who the public also don’t get to elect. Again, the general public are incapable of holding them to any form of decent account. The legislators get to advice the government of the day. Many of them are hired by same governments and as such, their subsequent many decisions have been questioned as to impartiality, on a regular basis. If one or all decide to back a corrupt government, turn a blind eye to their activities or apply laws to see they further escape accountability, the public here too, have no way to hold them to account.
Subsequently, what we have are two thirds of a state system that is beyond the reach of the public in terms of accountability and their further ability to see it instigated in areas that they often live with, it’s very much needed. Add to this situation, they see current elected or have memories of past elected, being unwilling to instigate accountability, unwilling to instigate proper Garda investigations of many questionable goings on, deflecting with farce inquiries, tribunals and committee questions that then end up burying many exposing, potentially explosive situations. Remit and range of questions are deliberate limited in case others accidently (or on purpose) stray into areas of further corruption that legislators, judiciary and elected don’t want others to go delve into! In all of this too, the public themselves, are unable to instigate accountability where it is – and much more – indicated to be much needed.
The inability of having two thirds of a system out of common reach in terms of accountability, is not a recipe for proper justice to be carried out, not a setup for fairness, non-discriminatory justice to be applied to all or citizens to feel they have a government system that ensures they have full democratic rights. Far from it – as the 2020 formed government continues it’s own antics, state bullying, law breaking, entrapment procedures and undemocratic actions! With time fast ticking by and more Euro millions being moved or lost by the second, it’s felt that five years is far too long now for justice and changes to be left un-instigated and deliberate ignored by corrupt.
It’s clear we need a better way to find fairness, justice and accountability within all sections.
Background Information: Participatory Democracy or the early seeds of it, existed within previous early Ireland constitutions – at least two. After the new Ireland republic was founded around 26 counties, the old constitution setups were balkanised, stripped down and in places reconfigured to suit the agenda of a new state. Out went section of previous legal setup that contained within the, the birth of Participatory Democracy in them. was this done deliberately? Did new state consecutive government not like the idea of public being more able to hold them to account, more regularly? We shall never know for sure – but what we do know, is that by result of constitution section stripping, the rights of common citizens were left weakened or total removed. Most of the public were unaware this was even happening as such events were playing out.
There are already states that have previously adopted Participatory Democracy as a further progressive step towards fairer democracy being practised. Other states are also making their own way towards a modern equivalent of Participatory Democracy. Each of their varied successes future depends and past depended on how serious instigators are willing to do the necessary work – or if they are reluctant to see it work at all, fearing a future effect of changes they are making, they might undermine their own positions and ability to take subtle advantage where and when possible!
- Why Is Participatory Democracy important right now, perhaps more than ever?
- Why does the governments of past and present parties fear it – to the point where they won’t even disclose it’s existence to a wider public?
The answer is quiet obvious to those that know of Participatory democracy and a section within it entitled “Recall“. It’s a particular section that sends shivers down the spines of devious, illegal acting or corrupt of Ireland.
How does Participatory Democracy Actually Work?
- when elected officials don’t engage with their constituents, calling into question their role as “representatives”, a PD system can help to readdress a lack of conversation or appropriate process.
- when public policies don’t meet the actual needs of constituents, PD can create the raising of questions, the democratic adoption of potential solutions and more.
- when citizens grow disillusioned and detached from the process, their faith stands better chance of being restored by seeing or being part of, a more open, fairer process such as Participatory Democracy.
- when elected or state departments are unwilling for self-adopted agenda reasons, to invoke solutions or progressive plans, due to fear of personal loss in regards to wealth, status or ego that stems from positions held by individuals.
- when power hungry people or departments get too used to top down dictatorial positions and undemocratic politics, invoking unfair, biased practices upon a lied to, oppressed sections of a population.
Indeed, there are very positive further advantages to the use of Participatory Democracy, such as;
- the ability to engage candidates in electoral campaigns
develop a more direct link between citizens and leaders.
help foster better relationships between citizens and their more amenable representatives.
build people’s skills in participatory governance.
- build networks and relationships that last long beyond local or national elections.
greater assure representatives reflect people’s needs – at a quicker rate and at higher quality outcome.
Does Participatory Democracy have its own failings? Yes, for there is no perfect government system. Anyone that espouses there is, should not be trusted and most certainly kept from holding official position that places them in charge over others. The best any nation can do, is consistently work towards the most up to date one that it has, further encompassing the latest developments of the society its engrained into. When that system is failing to do what is needed, in speed or quality, it’s time to upgrade that very system.
Like other governing systems used in the world, Participatory Democracy also needs to be tweaked to economic, departmental and society pre-existing conditions – but with the initial use of it adopted, alongside Recall, once the use of it has begun, it can further being to grow, to integrate. Those that then decline to aid it’s progression are thereafter, far more accountable to any act acts of hinderance, poor performance and more.
Once its started, a ‘rolling downhill ball‘ of Participatory Democracy, like a nations constitution, is able gather it’s own ‘moss‘ – grow and further modernise as it legislative enhanced with greater processes, safeguards and operational equality balances.
Those unwilling to instigate the updated changes to an adopted Participatory Democracy system already in use, can be held to account by the initial Participatory Democracy system already in place!
When Things Go Wrong!
As many countries including Ireland, have experienced, matters do indeed go amiss under their long used Representative Democracy systems. By accident, incompetence or by deliberate design, it common happens that things go awry. Here too, Participatory Democracy can greater assist far better at times than just standard Representative Democracy usage – or lack of it, there of!
A token example of a bad situation: You have a local population of 1,000 people. Location “Jeffstown“. They have a low quality, questionable acting, elected representative. A state department is not working to best efficiency in the area. State backed media appear to be operating with a bias in the region. Same media are doing what they like, when they like and unresponsive to formal requests for better behavior and information access they are by law, required to provide within a timely fashion. Government and business contracts are being drawn up, only to be then (too) quickly legislation rammed through – or legislation ignored – without greater ability to question or have appropriate continuous oversight. Officials and elected come and go as they please – do as they please – and until work contracts run out or elections come along, they are just about unaccountable or untouchable by disciplinary process.
The voters after being used to elect representatives, are considered to be no longer needed for a few years, so they are not listened to, rights are ignored or run over. The people need a change in laws but their elected are giving them the deaf ear, refusing to act, meanwhile trying to impose everyone to another setup that further violates laws, home and away, and additionally violates human rights. The public becomes aware that a specific form of legislation is required to offset incoming foreseen issues or to try prevent am already continuing worsening situation. Elected at local and national level for some quiet reason only known to themselves, are reluctant to act – possibly fearing direct detrimental aspects despite more positive aspects for a greater public.
Possible solutions. The following are just examples – more than likely needed to be tweaked – or even something better created!
- Those that are considered to be repetitive bad acting elected can be removed by local or national instigated referendum ability.
. - Suggested plans that have a democratic majority backing based on considered sound, fresh thinking, are further instigated.
. - Through national referendum passed passed to make it happen, better media laws are then trashed out with the public – who then further vote to adopt proposed new media law updates and/or further adopted to encompass further proposed requirements.
. - Due to greater scrutiny of government contracts before a public based, independent, non-government body, proposed contracts are amended (or send back for complete redrafting) to correct wrongs and/or further introduce non-discriminatory balance by greater accountability protocols inserted, greater defined role appointed tasks to be fulfilled according to ranking positions and recourses upon contract of personnel failures arising from non-accidental occurrences that should have been foreseen by those that are supposed to have training and experience.
. - Through Recall and referendum ability, based on a time window being standard adopted and then allowed for objections to be raised regarding any issue, legislation can be first legally raised as topic to be paused/halted (either one decided by public vote) by the people, then further examined for cancellation or adjustment – before going on again in progress through a better form of legislative wording. Public considered (by democratic majority vote) wrong acts can be quicker halted or paused. Wrote into state contracts, will be the stipulation that those who wish to avail of state contracts, must also accept public ability to democratic pause such matters as they see concerns arise. Those that don’t like such stipulations, have the right not to apply for such contracts and thus, their financial rewards. With a possession of knowledge regarding Recall and referendum ability, all want-to-be contractors will also have to acknowledge (even to themselves too) that targets are to be met, time wasting is to be kept to a greater minimum, public resources are to be better accounted for and their own efforts are to be better focused, all the time – else there could be greater consequences. The greater the effort – the greater the reward. The more questionable antics going on – the more chance of recall occurring.
. - Officials and elected in full knowledge of the existence of “Recall” and the repercussions of its use, would be further inclined to be more productive by remaining at their work places and general expected locations where greater progress is better ascertained though more direct connected, related work activities. Junkets, unofficial meetings improperly recorded and held at unprofessional locations could be greater questions upon a considered considered pattern of questionable behavior arising that doesn’t match with a majority accepted perception regarding what should be more appropriate the vast bulk of such times. Recall could mean downgrading of position, de-financing, reimbursements, etc, and in worse case scenario, pubic democratic induced sacking. All abilities capable of being used – through appropriate majority vote backing – in any month, all year, every year.
. - Voters/public being ignored as they seek the addressing of risen matters with them or their environment (mentioned just for example), can be stronger brought to the attention of elected firstly for acknowledgement and secondly, where then deemed necessary, further determinative solutions sought. Continued elected ‘deafness’ or ignoring of people/situations would bring about the imposition of “Recall” and the aspects that come with it. A process free for the public to invoke, all year, every year. Those elected that do their work responsively, respond within adequate time periods and then produce further sufficient solutions, would have nothing to fear – except gain further public support for their efforts – which, let’s be honest, could translate to later vote support for individuals involved.
. - The public/voters/concerned manage to put forth before a general public, firstly greater awareness of a situation, then secondly, put forth a question to the local/national public asking if the matter should be further addressed. If the answer is “Yes“, the wider public agree the matter needs more urgent addressing – then solutions are public proposed. These can be then more openly thrashed out, concluding in defined detail, new forms of needed legislative worded constructs that are considered to remedy an issue. These newly formed legal constructs are them put before the public for their approval by democratic vote.
How does a referendum ability come about? Again, using “Jeffstown” as a token example (and I stress -with further example numbers – to be pubic consultation established), we use it explain.
Situation One.
- A citizen/group sees an issue that they feel needs solving. Their elected are repeated ignoring them and the issue. The citizen then goes around the population and gathers 65% adult, local registered voter signatures on a petition, calling for matter to be public discussed by the local elected.
- As its Participatory Democracy established that a certain level of support is required for any public discussion to even take place – and that requirement is met – the elected must then discuss the proposed matter – or face the repercussions of “Recall”. This then occurs.
- Elected formulate (in their minds) a working solution. This is then put to the wider public for their vote support. If majority accepted by an again prior legal established majority number, the proposals are adopted and then practiced by all required to see them implemented.
Situation Two.
- A citizen/group sees an issue that they feel needs solving. Their elected are repeatedly ignoring them and the issue. The citizen then goes around the population and gathers 65% adult, local registered voter signatures on a petition, that calls for the elected to further put forth to the wider population numbers, a thought-out proposal by the original citizen/group for widespread consideration.
- The citizen/group then has to face questioning by a public with it’s awareness raised, convince the people that their own proposal is on sound footing, would be fair to all, financially possible and future workable. After already legislative defined period of time, the citizen/group proposal is out to the population for a vote. If the vote reaches a already legislative defined percentage of acceptance threshold, the proposal is adopted as law.
- Elected then have to adhere to the new updated law – and if they fail to do so to proper extent – or don’t do so at all – they are then open to be “Recalled” by a voter public.
Situation Three
- An official or elected person is (a) not doing their job right or (b) considered to no longer suitable for a position held or (c) caught doing something they shouldn’t of (d) abusing their office powers for personal gain or (e) any other questionable activity/inactivity. The citizens see this happening and one citizen then collects 65% adult, local registered voter signatures on a petition that calls for a question to be wider put to the citizenry. The question will be “Do do support the reallocation of a position held within a department (or state office)?“
- If the vote answer is “Yes” – then the proposed question then invokes the creation of a public form where all concerned are brought together to address related matters.
- The official or elected person under scrutiny, should then be given an appropriate, fair time defined opportunity to explain themselves and/or the situation that is more specifically connected to them. They are give fair chance to lay their ‘case’ before a wider community. Those concerned who have raised the matter, are also given fair chance to lay their ‘case’ before a wider adult community.
- Having heard both sides of an issue surrounding an official or elected person, the wider public is (words to the effect) asked “Should the questionable be allowed to remain in their position?” Depending on the result of a wider referendum vote and prior qualifying, vote number threshold then being reached, the person either is legally required to step away from their position held – or they are reaffirmed to their position and safe from being held to recall account for a specific setout (predetermined) period of time into the future.
The above are only three examples of how Participatory Democracy and Recall could be used – with additional safeguards it has to be stressed – to create more change or improvement where it’s decided, must faster come about. The waiting for someone’s long elected tenure to run out before they could be got rid of or for a work contract to be concluded before a position is then handed over, is no longer a stifling condition. greater accountability, faster accountability, all year, every year, is the core component of the adopted progressive democratic process.
Objections Political Opposition Try Will Throwing!
- “If you give people a referendum creation ability, you and/or the state will be then snowballed with all sorts of referendums, many of them possibly outrageous or indeed totally wacky, to say the least! People will be calling for referendums to happen every week.“
- “Just look at what another country has adopted using Participatory Democracy! That exposes that Participatory Democracy is wrong to use.”
- “It will never work!”
- “Participatory Democracy will mean that (well paid, perked and pensioned) jobs of senators and elected representatives will be done away with!”
- “The Problem With Participatory Democracy Is the Participants.”
A Retort:
- RIGHT NOW, you should try and think of 52 issues you would like to see your nation or local community have a referendum on. Go on. If necessary, get a piece of paper and writing. Start listing them. If you are able to create a referendum that you can bring to people every week, over the course of a future year, you are rare commodity. What’s more, at the end day/week/month/year, not all the people are all stupid. They will by vast majority, recognise the time wasters, the more crazy of society, the lunatic fringes and highly questionable to say the least within their nation or local society that are pestering them in any such mad attempt. They would be likely to be chased away from their doorstep, if such constant referendum pestering was to be tried carried out.
What’s more, citizens are capable of recognising something put to them that could be considered suspicious. As the saying goes “You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time“. This especially applies in a world where internet and social media alone is existing, further information and counter points can be aired and matters further examined for question. The eventual outcome is that a greater aware public won’t be easily food at all – never mind then getting them to massive vote in always one direction, for every referendum proposed from a single pestering individual or collective direction.
. - Participatory Democracy is a tool – and it’s only as good as it constructed and then used. Those that don’t want it enshrined for own reasons (usually to do with not wanting greater accountability – but won’t open say this), often try to say when something goes wrong, the blame could be laid at the feet of Participatory Democracy. That’s like saying our current health, crime, housing, vulture funds problems, etc, are all to blame because we current use a Representative Democracy system. “Aaa… but that’s different, of course!” those that oppose Participatory Democracy would also claim! They operate in double standards. Know anyone or any party that operates like this?
Participatory Democracy – like Representative Democracy – is only as good as the people/elected using it. How the people/elected use that tool, to then construct something solid or to construct something weak, is down to the person/party carrying out the actual work. Another saying? “A bad workperson will always blame their tools!” (Never themselves)
. - In fact, Participatory Democracy has been working in many countries. If you internet search the topic right now, you will find out more and more upgrading countries are further adopting it fully or to some degree. Many of these countries already have Representative Democracy and a growing number of them have seen it’s no longer up for the job required – LINK. They have recognised that it’s now time for further upgrading and are embarking upon installing their own edition of it within their laws and constitution. Here are seven examples of Participatory Democracy in action – LINK.
Why are people growing wary of the used, now growing more worn out, Representative Democracy system? In great part because they too – like many Ireland people – see their current system as no longer being adequate to cope within faster moving world where time is precious and slipping between the cracks of corruption and greed that are burning through people’s exploited rights and their take home pay. So, many now are reinforcing their current representative democracy system with a greater upgrade – Participatory Democracy – to try correct many wrongs and protest and people and country going forward into a then more positive future.
. - There will always be many jobs/departments that will require a good deal of senators and elected representatives to exist with every formed government. Elected people will always be needed. From doing many of the jobs they do today, upon the upgrading of our democratic system, they will be needed more so to also oversee the use of Participatory Democracy at local and national levels. Elected representatives won’t be short of work to do – and it might be debated that even more elected positions might have to be created – not reduced in size. If a department is then well run, if a national economy is better well run, the finances improve like much else and those increased job positions become more sustainable and justifiable in creation.
. - Anyone claiming that “The Problem With Participatory Democracy Is the Participants” are not being fully honest – or in fact, outright lying to you – for possible own self adopted agenda, to undermine the adoption chances of such a democracy upgrade! Similar to the situation of a bad workman blaming their tools for the state of their eventual end product, here too we find devious trying to misdirect. If a tool is indeed that bad, a person should replace it and then carry on. If a person is bad for any form of democracy, they too should be replaced and a better person installed instead. This is not rocket science to understand.
To be more accurate, any problem with Participatory Democracy will be down to how it’s constructed by people (with their own good/bad agenda) and them used or abused as they see fit. However, even with the upgrading of democracy with even the proper basics of Participatory Democracy, those that are still up to no good, can be further held to account for their devious action and quiet, more buried reason, by the very system they are trying to private sabotage while same time, trying to look like they are working on it! Held to account by yes – Participatory democracy’s Recall function. A part of a more modern democracy system that with proper regulation and oversight, can be carried out by elected and by any citizen of a state all year, any year.
General “democracy”, literally, rule by the people, is a term derived from the Greek dēmokratia. This is was coined from dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”) in the middle of the 5th century bce to denote the political systems that were then existing in some Greek city-states, notably ancient Athens. Overall, Representative Democracy in a slower political world, was used for fifteen centuries.
Now, in a much faster, more communicating, whiplash world of quick moving, digital money banking system, growing numbers of world citizens feel it’s way past time for a further upgrade to happen. “Participatory Democracy” – is the process of more giving power finally back to the people where it belongs – through a professional, legislative laid out process where greater equality and fairness can be also greater instigated with oversight protocols. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get to work!