Why I Am Saying “No”.
* I want to preface this post by stating that although I utterly dislike Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Green Party because of their own decades of still ongoing corruption,…
For Family And Country.
* I want to preface this post by stating that although I utterly dislike Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Green Party because of their own decades of still ongoing corruption,…
I apologise about the article length but matters have to be clear stated. This post – yes – does contain opinion, but it is based on also many fundamental core…
. It’s been over three days now since the Israeli army invaded Gaza’s biggest hospital. They did so with the excuse that a headquarters of Hamas was situated under the…
. Why is the FG/FF, quietly carried out, #CETA privatisation agenda bad? . You overall pay more, both as a taxpayer and directly when public services are privatised. Since privatisation,…
This morning’s most popular, Irish daily newspaper (often daily FG/FF newsletter) leads on its front page, a statement of the plain obvious that’s been well known for years, and stated…
. Can any of elected politicians at local and national level be honest? Can any of them stand up and stop being spineless, cowardly and too quiet? It appears not…
. There really are some lazy, stupid people – who can’t be even bothered to do a modicum of research. When they cannot debate with someone (me, in many cases)…
link . I would never say I am a ‘brainbox’ or genius. In fact, in one media interview in the past I stated on record that “I’m just a plonker…
. More draconian FF/FG measures that curb your right to say “I object”, are on the way. . Imagine you open the local paper one day and read (or hearing…
There are rarely “perfect solutions” to many problems in life and this week we gained and additional problem that needs urgent and serious addressing. I speak about the over-aggressive acts…