There’s absolutely little worse than a parent that sees their child in pain – and feels totally useless in being able to realistically do anything about the situation. Currently, for example, there are up to 56 children with spina bifida waiting for corrective surgery.
Close to 85,000 children are currently waiting on outpatient hospital appointments – that’s out of 897,000 total people are on waiting lists, hoping to been seen in the next few years.
One of my own daughters was on the front and inner pages of an Irish newspaper for months, during a campaign to get others and her seen to and treated for Scoliosis, a non-curable but controllable condition – if treated in time! In other words, my wife and I can completely understand the stresses of parents and children that are currently in a terrible medical situation.
Rather than wait years just to be seen, just a few weeks ago we had to pay out over €350+ in total costs, just to get a daughter a first appointment with a specialist who deals with “Turner Syndrome”. If we had to wait for the HSE to treat her – even start to look at her, we would be waiting years – which is far too late with this condition. We will likely have to find thousands of Euro, for further treatment. We are by far, not alone in this sort of – possible deliberate created – predicament.
The parties of Fianna Fail and especially, Fine Gael, with their self-adopted, non-public consent given, privatisation agenda, are covertly determined to run down public services so that sooner or later more and more are forced into paying towards private companies. The knock-on effect of such an agenda, sees more numbers increasing on waiting lists.
It’s my own opinion – but until we get a government that doesn’t consist of FF and FG, that doesn’t pursue the current #CETA privatisation agenda being carried out and backed at times by the Green and Labour Party too, then little positive change is going to occur in this single direction – never mind others.