This article has cold hard truths and some will not like it on the Democrat side – but they have got to face reality, as has Biden. I preface this article by stating that I ABSOULTELY DO NOT want Trump to win the next presidential election.
Before a registered Republican supporter took to a roof with his gun to shoot at Trump as he stood on a podium, it was poll fifty-fifty approximately if Trump will win in the coming November presidential election. Now, the post-shooting and death of the attempted shooter, the odds of Trump winning have gone far higher.
This is the first truth that the Democrat party must accept.
Next up is the matter of Biden himself. Even if he still wins, every day that he will be in office, will be like a constant “death-watch” as he will no doubt, further physical and mental decline even more.
This is the second truth that the Democrat party must accept.
The next truth is that Trump has been completely winning in the media war. Whatever he does, where ever he does, whatever he says, it all and more gets media air time, newspaper time and he’s more talked about than not.
This is the third truth that the Democrat party must accept.
Donald Trump as it stands, wants Joe Biden to run. As long as Biden does, Trump will be seen as the younger person. A “Plus” in the GOP book of advantages. Throw in Biden’s failing physical ability – let’s be honest here. It’s very clear he’s failing due to age – and the GOP along with Trump, are gaining easier PR even though trump himself is 78 years of age. Donald Trump as it stands, wants Joe Biden to run. Trump needs Biden to run if Trump is going to win!
This is the forth truth that the Democrat party must accept.
So where does the Democrats go from here? Unless they ACT NOW and get Biden to NOT run, they are doomed and America left under Trump to run, is going to be screwed for generations to come. Certain women’s rights alone, will be utterly undermined or completely destroyed. BIDEN MUST NOT RUN NOW.
This is the fifth truth that the Democrat party must accept.
The Democrats are losing in a media PR war – no matter how much millions they are going to spend on TV and radio advertising. They must increase their methods to gain far more attention of the minds, of American people. If they run ‘good old Biden‘ – as good as he is – it’s simply NOT going to work.
This is the sixth truth that the Democrat party must accept.
If the Democrats are going to take back a lot of media coverage, they can do this by )a) Biden announcing NOT to rrun and then (b) holding a inner-party content to find a new contender. The media publicity for weeks on TV stations, print media and radio stations will switch to speaking about the Democratic party and their 2025 aims, rather than just is all being about Trump and older Biden. YAWN!!!
This is the seventh truth that the Democrat party must accept.
It’s clear that if Biden runs, unless there is a miracle, he will lose the 2024 Presidential race. When he loses that, America is screwed. If Trump wins, America is screwed. The more educated people of the world, absolutely know this.
The Democrats  MUST retake media attention and keep it as much as possible – and far more than they have up till now. The next few days and weeks is their very last chance to do this by using a convention selection process to find and confirm a new Democrat contender – younger than Trump (so he then become the “old man”).
I do not want Trump to win the next presidential election – but if Biden runs, he’s now handing the 2025 Oval Office desk to Trump. This is a safe bet. One that Democrats MUST ACCEPT even as such as they don’t like to hear it or believe it. Some are too busy convincing themselves otherwise to hear and see this.
This is the eight truth that the Democrat party must accept.