Why Critical Thinking & “Information Is Power” Are Important!
. You will learn something by reading this post. I will explain why – and in part, how it helps explain why (a) some people keep doing stupid stuff, including…
For Family And Country.
. You will learn something by reading this post. I will explain why – and in part, how it helps explain why (a) some people keep doing stupid stuff, including…
. TL;DR VERSION: I’m not against short, quick news bites. I’m more for more accurate, more on-the-ball news. Not crap that misses the mark or misdirects through stupidity or lack…
To the “TL;DR” moaners – including criminal Trump cultists – who can’t be bothered to read anything of substance – like this post – remain closeminded and still likely a…
This article has cold hard truths and some will not like it on the Democrat side – but they have got to face reality, as has Biden. I preface this…
The following is opinion. One you are entirely free to disagree with. . Right now as things stand, in Ireland we have political parties in power ignoring what the the…
It’s a serious blunt question that will be asked within the next 200+ years by further people across the world, as it looks back as America as it currently exists…
. Can any of elected politicians at local and national level be honest? Can any of them stand up and stop being spineless, cowardly and too quiet? It appears not…
. In previous posts (Part one and two of “while you were sleeping” LINK – LINK) I detailed about antics going on that you were meant to be distracted about…
An example facial profile professionally constructed of an adult of the era, Yeshua was said to exist within. . Note: “Yeshua” is the apparent name of “Jesus” as he’s more…
. In the last few days we have seen thugs being thugs on our Dublin streets. They have been identified as in attendance of a right-wing party meeting that day…