More draconian FF/FG measures that curb your right to say “I object”, are on the way.
Imagine you open the local paper one day and read (or hearing some other way) that a building company is applying for permission to build a tower block at the back of your garden or you read that the council has announced they are going to run a motorway through your estate. (Yes, these are just examples – but you should get the point)
You immediately feel that you might not be on your own feeling strongly against such things that are planned. As quick as you can you – and possible others too – send off official objections. This (in short) has been a right of every citizen in Ireland.
NOW, if FF/FG once again get their way, you won’t be able to quickly form a protest group or even create a estate committee group (especially if you are just moved into a new one), to then object. FF/FG through their “Planning and Objective Bill” are now saying that your sudden formed protest group or sudden formed estate committee, had to have been formed A WHOLE YEAR IN ADVANCE. Yes, you are supposed to have physic powers to be able to predict a newspaper announcement, a year ahead.
Cutting to the chase… FF/FG want to stop as many people as possible, from objecting to business construction plans. They are being constantly asked by private property developers/investment companies how they can stop citizens objecting to their notions of end-game profitability. Of course, they don’t say it in those exact words – but we’re cutting to the chase here.
FF/FG only too happy to go along with private businesses that sometime years later for some, make them a director or awards some other position on representative retirement. In the meanwhile, while they can, they try to make it harder for ordinary citizens to say “I object”.
*** Here’s how they do it – constantly. They dress up a poison pill being given to the public, covered in PR sugar. “Look over here instead, it’s got all this great stuff! Don’t look over there!” ***
FF/FG want elected opposition and the public to accept the incoming “Planning and Development Bill”. They say its needed in order to shorten some out of date practises and procedures, protocols, etc. They say it’s needed in order to build more homes for more people. They would be absolutely right in saying this. We can’t much argue with such aspects – but then again, THEY KNOW THIS. So, within something that seems a great idea, they hide in the nitty, gritty detail, other aspects (just as important to them – if not quietly more) that will in fact, be further detrimental to a citizen (or group of them) being able to hold on to core rights or abilities. In this latest case, the right to suddenly and quickly form some sort of organised objection.
O’ they have got very clever here. They have left your door of making an objection, just open a crack, just a crack… But in order to even squeeze though this ‘crack’, you now – first – also have to jump over another bunch of hurdles that they have also put up in your way, imposed to slow you down or not even able to climb over. …And this is after you’ve used your physic powers in order to predict what someone else is announcing to do, a year in advance! There are good things within the proposed “Planning and Development Bill” – but as we have experienced previously, this is how rotten government quietly sneak in small legislation lines of underhand changes that are certainly not in the best interests of individuals or even groups of citizens.
Once again the ‘devil is in the detail’ – but you are supposed to be too busy in daily life to spot it – or if FF/FG can get away with it, not spot it at all. If you do, by the time you do, it will likely be too late to do anything. Go back to sleep. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael again thank you for your quiet complacency.