Fianna Fáil – It’s Decline.
(Beyond years of office job failures)
When political parties are founded, each forms with its own fundamental ideology. For example, when I founded UnitedPeople, I did so in order to see daily matters better addressed though greater accountability at all levels, greater use of true democracy so that no one is left feeling excluded or powerless, and an ideology that elected should be accountable all year, every year though a process in “Participatory Democracy” called “Recall”.
Fine Gael was founded around an ideology that centered around farming communities. Their ideology now appears to be one of supporting green party attacks on same, while more so aiding and protecting big businesses first – above all else. Occasional PR stunts are pulled to try mask this.
Sinn Fein, while trying to tackle daily issues in their own way, have an ideology based around eventually uniting 32 counties under one government.
The original Labour party had an ideology that centered around protecting people, Irish core workers and Ireland’s unfortunate. The current Labour Party – as shown by their very actions, backing FG and further imposing their own demonic attacks on public and already suffering – have completely flipped its original ideology at times. They refuse to acknowledge this. They deny it. They are now trying to backtrack. However, those that remember the FG/Labour years, and suffered more because of them, know greater truth.
Other parties have Socialist agendas, more right-wing agendas or God help us all, has extremist notions. Extremist societies never remain stable, socially and economically, it must be noted. History has taught this for centuries.
…Then there is Fianna Fail. It was a party based around notions involving Christian Conservatism, populism of its own, Irish republicanism and Irish nationalism. It today has done its own flipping.
Its far more gone Pro-Europeanism. It’s leaders and elected members now attack others that still seek Republican and nationalist ideas, while Fianna Fail sucks up to EU power thrones and now backs many a Fine Gael agenda (#CETA wanted privitisations, big business, pressganging, illegal stealing/transfer of data and much more). Its current leader has even Dail lashed into those that have same ideas as its once Fianna Fail founders had!
Modern Fianna Fail has quite frankly, disappeared up the backside of Fine Gael. Its own very members are now, modern day confused as to what it’s 2022, individual party ideology is supposed to be!
* The party is not seen to be protecting workers.
* The party continues to protect and even still reward religious people and their company front setups with hospital gifts.
* The party has aided Fine Gael in undermining farming and fishing setups – by letting EU heads dictate over Ireland and cowering to Green party because it needs them for the moment. .
* They are, with Fine Gael, attacking unemployed through various processes that biased media won’t report. #censored.
* The “Republican Party” is anything but just that – except when they need to look like they are, to try regain some votes. Election over, matter dropped!
* The party is backing so many Fine Gael agenda’s, it’s gotten ridiculous. Let’s be clear here. FF will claim they have different policy ideas. They do on how FG aims should be achieved – but the two parties are still seeking to head the same fundamental agenda direction.
Therein lies the problem. Fianna Fáil has ultimately lost its original identity, its agenda – and as it now constantly allows Fine Gael elected to get away with much, lost its guts to tackle rot that exists today in government parties. In fact, here too they join with other parties in such activity and giving of protection. Sometimes by deliberate looking the other way. They do this with national and international issues – just (again) like Fine Gael!
A very much political aware public – including a growing generation of youth that see they will never be able to buy a home – witnesses this and more. Many see absolutely little ideology difference between one tired, out of touch, law breaking party and another its now (again) in bed with. Generation Z more sees beyond Fianna Fail and Fine Gael PR stunts of offering bread crumbs while each party still has each others back and pursues big business, big brother agendas.
Some say “They should just join and get on with it”. There could be some truth in that – but for the moment it won’t happen. Too many egos, too many chancers afraid of what they might personally lose, be it money, position or perks. So, we have Fine Gael doing as it does, often without seeking public permission or mandate, and we have Fianna Fail joining in and giving Maifa style protection.
Core members of Fianna Fail has repeatedly approached myself and others, including outside state managed/owned media. They decry the loss of party identity and fundamental ideology. They absolutely dislike the consistent imposed blindness of its party heads when it comes to matters home and away. Many hate the party bullying going on, that’s made official via a “Whip”. When is forcing someone to vote a certain way, true democracy in action? Legalised intimidation.
* For the record, Fianna Fail are not the only ones guilty of the latter.
Fianna Fail is now dying on its knees – not on its feet. Different policy changes will no longer cut it when ultimately, they are still heading the same direction as their now perceived twin.
It’s current bucketlist filling, nomadic leader is unwilling to address many of the above (and more) issues. This last few months he been regularly unavailable for Dail questions, party meetings and more.
You would think the party would say “Enough!” but it’s half-hearted current attempts will again likely amount to nothing. If current party backbench unrest is meant to poke Mr Martin into action, their leaders reaction is still to carry on the status quo.
Will a heave happen? Presently unlikely. Reasons? (a) “he who weilds the sword, rarely get to wear/keep the crown” and top heads know this, (b) might cause an election – that could risk personal seat regain (c) just not enough courage.
So, while the status quo continues – and stupidity is allowed to continue through the continuation of a symbiotic political relationship and acts of current position self-preservation, the future of Fianna Fail is more doomed than ever.
Even its own more powerless members can see this and are more openly saying so! Will they do anything to address the matter? No. Same old tired heads might try pulling a chair swapping PR stunt – but the Titanic party is still heading for disaster by doing so. The same old, same old re-jigged heads, directing the party ship, won’t core re-change direction. Sooner or later, it will be “Man overboard. Abandon ship”. It’s already started?
Ultimately – who does Fianna Fail represent? Many of it’s own members don’t even know. Therein lies a fundamental party destroying problem – one, tired top heads won’t address. It would rock their own personal positions too much. Meanwhile, Fine Gael looks on with quiet glee. It’s once foe is on its knees. Fine Gael hopes to catch some of the breaking pieces. Where is Fianna Fail’s leader to deal with such core matters? Like UK Boris as of late, also off on another jaunt. Missing in action – a bit like Fianna Fail overall!