QUESTION: What do Elon Musk, Paul Brady, Mattie McGrath, British media, foreign journalists and even myself, Jeff Rudd, have in rare common? Don’t know? Read on for an education that might/should shock you.
The following has to be unfortunately stated. This post is long and detailed – but anyone that give’s a crap, will read it. The rest will sheepishly move on yet again.

Let me start by stating – I did repeatedly warn people but…
1. Not enough listened or shared my warnings.
2. Not enough got up off their backside to do/say anything.
3. The docile and complacent of this country stayed too silent.

Yet again, I have been proved right on another serious matter. Now, our children will also pay for the stupidity, laziness and complacency of far too many in Ireland. Over five years ago I warned that Fianna Fail and Fine Gael were totally out to undermine people’s basic legal and/or constitutional long-established rights. Five years ago, I stated that the usual Mafia style parties were abusing our constitution.
*** Specifically – even then – they were condemning citizens as “GUILTY” before being found “INNOCENT”. They did this (and far much more) through the #JobPath scandal that Irish media STILL WON’T properly investigate. …But still, the details, the multiple warnings and much more were there. I was near shouting it from rooftops. Little gave a crap! Government parties and opposition parties didn’t want to know.


SIDE NOTE: Why did they want to know? In part, because I, the founder of UnitedPeople, massively exposed mass abuses of physical and mental torture of citizens, I exposed mass abuse of constitutional and state laws. I exposed mass financial fraud that neither Garda, politicians or state departments will investigate. All this and more covered-up. Media censored.
Due to I (or as other parties saw, UnitedPeople) doing this, they could not take credit for exposing the national scandal still buried. They would be seen to be jumping on the back of my seven days a week, 12 months of a year, 5+ years of investigative and exposure work. So, the parties decided amass, not to approach the subject at all. Except for Sinn Fein, who Due to I (or as other parties saw, UnitedPeople) doing this, they could not take credit for exposing the national scandal still buried. They would be seen to be jumping on the back of my seven days a week, 12 months of a year, 5+ years of investigative and exposure work. So, the parties decided amass, not to approach the subject at all. Except for Sinn Fein, who barely approached even covering part of what was going on (and quietly still is). Sorry, this has to be said.
Thus, the other parties have completely dropped or avoided the JobPath scandal. Media continue to ignore me and the scandal to this day. No other parties could take credit for mass exposing the scandal after my years of work, they didn’t want UnitedPeople to be seen pushed into a limelight for I doing what I did – so they eventually all stayed away from the JobPath scandal for even mentioning. That silence now continues from them. Topic #RTEcensored


Amid many things of scandalous nature within the JobPath racket, was government representatives deciding to ILLEGALLY steal money off people (The government – media buried too – quietly Dublin Highcourt admitted that they didn’t even have legislation backing to do what they were doing) through a JobPath process they invented – where people were without investigation, without even questioning first, without cases being heard in front of any jury style panel, were abused, intimidated and then had their money stolen off them from the get-go. Let me be very clear – since the foundation of the state, a person is deemed “INNOCENT” until later being found “GUILTY”. The government of the day, Fine Gael and Labour, the Department of Social Welfare (under the scandalous reign of Regina Doherty) who later broke more laws regarding data sharing and the PSC) mass invoked and backed a new procedure.
Citizens of Ireland were now to be found “GUILTY” of anything or everything maliciously thrown at them before, eventually (for a rare lucky few) they were actually found “INNOCENT” (and even if that happened, they were NOT handed back the money that was illegally stolen from them by state department officials). Let me repeat. State departments adopted a position that citizens were (still are)… “GUILTY” before, if you are lucky, being found “INNOCENT”. This completely fly in the face of European/EU rights and in the face of every other EU country that has enshrined in their own laws and constitution, that a person is “INNOCENT” before being later found “GUILTY”.
Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, the Green Party and Yes, the Labour Party have brought about this long-established constitutional outlook, to be completely flipped under their watch, their enablement and by their very participating actions. All this was repeatedly exposed years ago by myself, as I further tried to expose the still ongoing JobPath scandal. Moving on…
EARLIER QUESTION: What do Elon Musk, Paul Brady, Mattie McGrath, British media, foreign journalists and even myself, Jeff Rudd, have in rare common?
ANSWER: We (and more) have objected to a totalitarian path that Irish parties, filled with their corrupt and immoral, have taken since the foundation of the Ireland state. Specifically, latest example – the “Incitement To Violence Or Hate Offences Act” quietly and quickly rammed through by the usual mafia style parties.
The intention was good – but on the back of that – maybe actually exploiting good intention, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Green party have NOT ONLY further backed into law that a person can NOW be legally judged “GUILTY” before being found “INNOCENT” – in unbelievable further legislation, YOU can NOW be judged as IMMEDIATELY guilty for even possessing something that even you don’t intend to share.
More specifically. Minister Helen McEntee has shifted the burden of proof onto any accused when it comes to the ‘Thought-crimes’ that FF/FG/Greens have now put into law. You can, for various reasons, possess material or literature that YOU DO NOT INTENT TO SHARE – THAT YOU DO NOT EVEN AGREE WITH – but because you possess it, you will be DEFAULT deemed guilty of state crime just because it’s in your possession.
NO. We are NOT talking about a gun, a knife or ant other weapon. We are talking about a leaflet, a book, a computer file or even a picture.
Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Green party have put on our statute books, a dystopian law that says, for even possessing something they do not agree with, you will therefore be punished.
* Download a book or piece of article that contains hatred?
You are GUILTY by default.
* Have in your possession, for research and investigation purposes, a document that is state deemed as “hatred”…
You are GUILTY by default.
You get the picture?
Now, our rotten parties say that they are not going to really apply these laws – can you trust a party of constant liars, criminality, criminality enabling or immoral act? Are you that gullible?

1. Why did they introduce these Orwellian “Guilty by default” edicts in the first place?
2. Who EXACTLY has sought this to come about?
3. Why is “Hatred” not better legislation defined? Kept too loose a term for the convenience of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Greens and the Labour Party? Many deeply suspect so! They refused to allow others attempts to further define “hatred”. Suspicious as hell!


For possession of something that you don’t even agree with, you can get up to two years imprisonment. It will be up to you – as the now default deemed guilty person – to prove that you are not thinking what they are charging you with possible thinking.


* Something George Orwell warned about.
* Something people prior laughed at, saying it would never happen.
* Something that FF/FG/Greens have now put into Ireland law.


In short, you can be prosecuted for that the state and/or Garda think you might be thinking. This is unbelievable stuff – but it’s now on the law books of Ireland.
Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, the Green Party have created and opened a Pandora box of unbelievable Orwellian dystopian proportions. They ‘tested the waters’ with JobPath to see what they could get away with. Ireland stayed complacent. Now, we have a further acceleration of “GUILTY” by default, before “INNOCENT” later tried to be found!
All this has gone on, continues on, while too many ordinary citizens daily stay too complacent, too quiet, too much letting their national and local elected away with doing or enabling all this.

(God knows what other horrified states are now thinking, looking on!)

* Go back to sleep.
* Stay herded.
* Stay quiet.
* Wait for others to do something.
* You do/say nothing.
* Do not share this post and/or not wake up other people.

Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, the Green Party and yes, the Labour party, thank you very much for once again rolling over – just like George Orwell in his grave right now!
P.S. Before anyone claim this is all “Bunkum”, the facts and acts surrounding Ireland political parties speak for themselves.