All the numbers and facts presented in this article, can be independent verified.
As most awake and unblinkered presently know, Sinn Fein is leading in the polls regarding public support. The current 2020 formed government is certainly aware of this. It’s because not of this awareness and an ever growing fear that not one of the coalition parties might be part of the next government – but also what new political investigation might be instigated once they are out of office completely, that the current trio parties that is our government, is out to further use fear tactics.
Fear tactics is nothing new in “Old Politics”. In fact, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, the Green Party and yes, Labour too, are still proving daily that long established methods of “Old Politics” are alive and kicking – but that’s a whole other article in itself. One for maybe later…
The current fear factor tactics centres for obvious reason, around Sinn Fein. THEY MUST BE STOPPED. That’s the aim of the current Government acting more like an official Mafia on a daily basis through tactics used. The fear tactics is one being currently further upped by them and by their media friends at local and national level.
According to the parties and their media mates, we should all fear a possible coming Sinn Fein government. If you swallow what they are telling you, you will be left thinking Sinn Fein is going to ruin the state – lock, stock and barrel.
I do not fear this at all and I shall tell you why shortly!
The Fear Factors.
According to Irelands “PQ“ (Political Quartet of FF/FG/Greens/Labour), they open and covertly spin that Sinn Fein (with others) is going to;
1. Ruin business in Ireland, 2. Destroy our HSE, 3. Create long waiting lists, 4. Bring about the ruination of international political relationships, 5. Will be corrupt as hell, 6. Exacerbate homelessness, 7. Will tax, charge, levy on everything they can, openly and quietly, 8. Create a national economic downturn, 9. Destroy people’s rights.
…I could go on but you should start to get the picture!
While introducing the above, what the public is supposed to forget, are the following;
1. The PQ has done their best to help their mates in big business – some who are very favourable towards them in various covert ways – while at the same time, despite PR attempts to say different, have done far less at local levels for smaller SME’s and even semi-state setups like our transport systems, our Post Office setups, our local employment services (now additionally being quietly, privatisation farmed out to private companies – and in the whole, more looking after the ‘big boy’ multinationals while leaving the ‘backbone of Ireland, our SME’s further up the creek with lockups, select legislations and more political antics than any USA/Italian Mafia could ever think of creating!
2. The PQ has over two decade’s and more, completely made a right mess of managing the HSE. In fact, over the decades, they individually and collectively have not only ran it badly, consistently failing to address related issues – but by their own further actions, have made things even far worse – in already bad areas and created more disasters in new other internal directions.
3. Due to their total incompetence over same decades, for example, we now have over ONE MILLION people on medical waiting lists. A simple independent research effort on increasing numbers and consistent PQ government failures, will clearly expose that while they try introduce fear regarding future with ouyt them – past times have been actually full of fear as long as the PQ was involved – but your supposed to be brainwashed and forget about this (and more).
4. The PQ has been backside kissing up to continuing war criminal countries and their internal, individual war criminal acting elected – all the while at same time, giving out about other war criminal acting countries and and elected there, also carrying out war crimes. As I mentioned HERE in greater detail…
“The reason for the (rule breaking) party occurring, was because Ireland gained a seat position on an international council that was to oversee international Human rights. Head of that council, ironically was Saudi Arabia. I say “ironically” because this is a country that has removed many a head by use of swords – when they are not chopping peoples hands off or whipping men and women in public, etc.
The reason why Saudi Arabia gave a committee seat to Ireland, is because they see Ireland as a weak state. A state that doesn’t have the courage to speak up against the very human rights crimes (including inequality ones, such as Saudi women treated like second class citizens) that Saudi Arabia (and others states) are still shamefully carrying out.”
In short, no party in Ireland’s PQ can dare lecture others about international relationships – especially when their own is full of lies, deliberate silence, double standards, crime hiding and much, much more.
5. Without question, political corruption continues. Anyone that says different, is either (a) mega stupid, (b) deliberately bias blinkered (c) has their own agenda, (d) equally corrupt or (e) so brainwashed, they cannot see what’s going on! There’s a chance that some people could be a combination of multiple factors.
On my Facebook page (HERE) over years – and especially since 2020’s new government and it’s 60+ already involved scandals – I have listed much corruption (more examples HEREand HERE). However, in short, we have a party leader that tells us to obey laws and rules while ignoring broken laws and rules – when he also does nothing about others he’s working with, doing the same. We have a party leader that lectures others on principles while clearly having few of their own – and a third party leader as Minister of Transport, supposed to be doing positive things for that, out to destroy it (and a lot more) instead, all the while with top elected others, also deliberate turning a blind eye to state corruption and keeping deliberate silent.
At the very top of government, we have multiple elected involved up to their own necks with corruption, turning a blind eye to it or even shaking hands with it (including convicted criminals) inside and outside our Dail. For all this, they dare lecture the rest of us about obeying laws and that we should only fear opposition corruption that has yet to exist – well, except in the minds of the already corrupt who can remarkably see into the future – but same time, cannot look at recent past or even in a mirror!
6. The PQ espousing that opposition will not address homelessness but will in fact make it worse, is yet another case of the ‘Pot calling the Kettle black‘. The rocketing numbers of homelessness that not only has been failed to be addressed but also made much worse while parts of the PQ hold government office, is something they absolutely are desperate that the public not only doesn’t see – but if they do, are willing to conveniently forget about! The shocking increasing numbers over years/decades, you can independently research. The truth is out there. While the PQ introduces the homelessness fear factor, they want you to blank their own consistent failures! The numbers speak for themselves. History speaks for itself.
7. The tried on fear factor here, is that a future government will further heap a rake of new taxes upon unknowing, unsuspecting people. It should be immediately pointed out that as of 11th of January, 2022, the PQ have brought in or backed a new hike on the price of alcohol drink (already heavy taxed by them), allowed the hiking of toll charges, proposed a new tax on Netflix and other internet services, are progressing their ‘Internet tax’ plans (deliberately quietly), while also progressing their plans ti charging for “excess water” (again deliberately quietly).
In fact, the PQ in the last few years alone, had been utterly responsible or backed, over 45+ tax/levy/charge introductions and hiked changes. All public financially walloping matters they would rather the public would forget, had core instigated them and backed them!
Truth? The PQ has made such a hash of things in every direction, they and opposition know that such is the state financial debt the PQ has left every one with, it could be generations before we can possible dream of being financially raped left, right and center! Current government opposition will have to continue many taxes, just to keep vital services alive – never mind enhanced – but the current government will have you believe that this will be the future governments fault (which you should supposedly fear) while you should conveniently gloss over the simple truth that any debts that still need to be paid off, have been created by a bunch of political charlatans during previous terms. In other words, by the PQ… In short, if there are taxes (etc) to be paid, it’s because of the mess the previous lot have long, repeatedly created. .
8. More truth? Due to repeating failures of PQ members, the Irish state has suffered two to three serious national economic recessions. For example; The 2007/2008 Irish economic state downturn came about in part due to a series of banking scandals the PQ was involved in (bugger all accountability), then there was a subsequent property bubble – created by the same PQ members – which rendered the real economy uncompetitive, again, with another of many failures, an expansion in bank lending in the early 2000s that further made things worse. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael introduced foreign direct investment opportunities, created though seriously questionable legislation rapid passed by them with as little debate allowed as possible, has further pushed the state to even greater crises in many directions’ and breaking points! A link to even start reading about this, can be found HERE. .
When the current PQ tries to introduce the fear factor of potential future governments, as upcoming local and national elections will come to pass, you are supposed to be in complete short memory of their own past terrifying antics! The PQ that has past created (and still does) much fear, is now espousing that you should be fearful of what others will do – as they advantageously see in their crystal ball… .
The PQ would have you quaking in your boots about how your personal rights are going to future become under attack if current government opposition is allowed to take charge. Here too, what you are supposed to forget, is their long ongoing, quiet efforts to attack your personal rights. Speaking plainly, while they deliberate loud claim to have protected your right and enhanced them in one direction, quietly in the other for a long time, they have been also under attack. However, they have been repeatedly successful in coving up the latter with biased media and slight of hand, own distraction tactics.
Your right have been under attack and right now, using whatever excuse they can per day, they continue those efforts – using any cause or opportunity to take advantage while PR selling their actions as being in your own good! . .
Your rights are seriously under cover attack. Don’t think so? The less brainwashed, the less gullible, the more willing, will read HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE– and these are just to begin with. A mere top scratch of a deep surface. Like many things that Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Green Party and Labour are up to their own necks in, as they further introduce ‘old politics’ fear factors for the forth coming local and general elections, they want you to forget or not even see what they have been doing – and still doing – themselves.
. They Want You To Fear The Future Under Others While Being Willing To Forget Their Own Past!
This then begs an obvious question: “Should we really fear the future under new government of current opposition parties?“
Why I Don’t Rush To Fear A Fresh Government That Might Consist Of Current Opposition Parties!
IN SHORT: The PQ would have you thinking that a Sinn Fein government is akin to letting loose a wrecking ball on the economy and everything else. I say this is deliberate, absolutely PR spinning, total cobblers – and here is why…
There have been recent periods of time in Irish history when the state was left running itself without any government being actually formed yet. After one general election and there was no immediate government formed to take replacement of the previous, the 140+ state departments were left for a time to look after the country. This they did – and quietly did it successfully. Credit to them. For that period there was far less scandals, far more work done, far less political interferences’ and departmental rules more adhered to.
I mention the above for one simple reason. In place are long existing department procedures, legal structures, professionally long practised methods of daily operation. There are huge chains of command that any any point, any person in charge can say “Hang on, this is not right!” and then ask for a review or further question internal matters as well as those trying to interject into long standing, long operating processes! .
There are many serious professionals that simply are not going to risk their pay, pensions or even positions that they might also inflate their ego with, by allowing others to suddenly come along and upturn everything. There are many complex legal procedures that are daily stuck to, maybe not as much as we like when current government politicians likes to ignore them, but the vast majority of them are there and tried to be adhered to.
The civil service of Ireland alone, is a serious force to be reckoned with. Every politician with their ‘salt’ will tell you this. Try regular go up against them or around them, they can bite back hard and fast when they want too. They can have your back and protect you – but try screwing with them, they can also quite easily expose you and thrown ‘to the dogs’. .
The same principle applies to political connections at EU and world level. There are many complex relationships, be they military, economic, legal, symbiotic relationships based on ego, wealth, political influence and shared agendas – and much more. For one government to suddenly come along and even attempt to destroy all of this, they will not get far at all. It would be akin to banging you head against a brink wall.
A good friend stated to me just today “The system serves the corporations and the politicians serve the system.” In my opinion, he is correct. .
The state system is vast. More vast than a lot of people truly realise. No jumped up, upstart party on it’s own or with others, is seriously going to be allowed to rush in and take a virtual ‘wrecking ball’ to long standing Ireland ways of operating. More truth, each party quietly knows that they should not also bite a hand that’s also feeding it – and state departments, the core civil servants and legal professionals of Ireland, are feeding them all well. It’s a symbiotic relationship. (A) Parties in government and in opposition absolutely know this. (B) The current government fundamentally knows that Sinn Fein and others, know this – while that same government also tries to espouse that opposition will come in wrecking the state. They simply won’t be allowed. Every civil servant in the state will down tools and say “You ain’t doing it mate!”
A new government in the future that will hopefully consist of no PQ members, will try to do many things new. Be in no doubt about that. Progress happens through change – and change happens through progress. That said, even any core changes that might be tried, will only come about far more slower than what the PQ would have you foolishly thinking as they put out their own fear tactics.
“Vote for us again. The other shower are going to wreck the place!”
Yes, changes will be tried and should be tried, to be introduced at many levels. However, this is Ireland and people (professionals and non-professionals) will be looking for their financial cut as even some of these suggested changes go though many official stages and procedures. If any of them see something that’s going to undermine their way of life or that of their mates, you can be damn sure there will be noticeable resistance. No one – no party – is simply going to be allowed to suddenly take a wrecking ball to long standing methods and upturn the national ‘army’ is that is our state civil service. No serious core, constitutional changes are going to happen over night – or even within many months – despite what the PQ would have you thinking…
On top of that, for various (too lengthy) reasons I won’t go into here, there is a very much more political aware public in Ireland. If any party comes in and further decides to try wrecking everything, you can bet your backside members of the public – as well as media – will also be all over it – all day – all week and month – all year. Every party that occupies the Dail, are very much aware of this.
Another point? As much as the PQ would have you think members of the opposition are stupid, the PQ know members of opposition are actually very highly intelligent (while there are a few genuine fools too). Elected people with good brains know that if they really go too fast and upset too many, from too many areas of Irish society, they will (A) be met with many local or national protests and (B) stand lesser chance of being later re-elected. In short, they will try to do what they can – as long as they also don’t risk their political ass! .
So, do I fear opposition parties coming in and wrecking the state? No. Do I fear policies that some parties have, be they in current government or opposition? Yes – but then I have a voice to protest with. I have two feet to take to the streets with. I have a hand to hold a protest sign. I have the ability to ‘down tools’ and ostracise political people from gaining further support or access to things. You do too! . . Irony.
1. The same PQ parties that say opposition is going to screw things up – as the very same parties that have themselves, repeatedly screwed things up.
2. The same PQ parties that say opposition is going to screw things up – say that the ones they are giving out about – will be much better if PQ members (that have screwed up previously themselves) are in a coalition with the same people they rage against, at the same time.
Given the track record of the PQ, are they really the ones to be now looking into crystal balls to predict futures – when they cannot even look in a mirror and see their own antics? Antics they want you to forget about and today, they still also try bury! .
At the end of the day, could opposition parties seriously do much worse than the PQ who are themselves full of greed, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, malice, double standards, screw-ups, etc? We all have been on a repeat cycle of disaster with the usual bunch of re-elected Dail, unfunny clowns that have then repeat, regained government office.
These unfunny PQ clowns are now telling us they will suddenly do better – while they have us think that the opposition are just totally useless and will wreck everything. Yes, it’s the ‘pot trying to call the kettle black‘, yet again…
What we might fear, is letting back into government offices, the same old usual unfunny clowns of past and present failure! NOW, there’s a scary thought!