Since the first vestiges of TTIP and CETA (very similar treaties) started to emerge, Ireland’s Green Party came out and laid their position on both before they public. For many detailed and very serious reasons, they were unequivocal opposed to it. For many years they kept this position up. They marched streets in protest against it. They held around the country meetings to speak out why both were bad for Ireland. They lobbied elected on the matter. They pulled in other unions and organizations to support their and citizens positions on the matter.
…Then in 2020 they were inducted into a Fianna Fail and Fine Gael government. Overnight, the top ranks decided to betray the core members of their own party. The top leaders didn’t even ask for member permission to change party, long held position on the matter. democracy and annual or emergency meeting be damned! Feck all that – the top rans just mega u-turned and to hell with everyone else!
The top ranks had been ‘bought’ by the other parts of the 2020 Mafia style government. It left the core members confused, frustrated and completely angry across the nation. The top ranks decided to keep their heads down on the matter while #RTE also aided the burying of the mega party betrays by deliberately not wide-scale reporting on the party u-turning.
Immediately, across social media networks, outrage was expressed and the domino effect was a further massive drop in nation support for the Green party.
You would think that the Green Party leaders would learn from all this – wouldn’t you?
30th of March 2022 – they did it again.
The Green Party having long positioned themselves on the side of Irish neutrality, Dail opted to deny the people of Ireland a democratic right, to further say through our national constitution that Ireland’s neutrality was not to be solidified. The people of Ireland would NOT be allowed to re-enforce their – our – your – constitution so that dodgy lying parties like Fianna Fail or Fine Gael, could try and undermine Ireland’s moral and legal international recognised position.
The Green Party once again, having been bought off by the other two government parties, decided to join the two other parties in backstabbing – again – it’s own members and the people of Ireland. It was and still is, yet another whiplash massive u-turn on long taken party neutrality position held. Once again RTE and other biased media made sure that this betrayal was not aired or exposed further across TV or radio networks. the betrayal, the undemocratic actions of the three parties – not just the Green Party – were deliberate left unreported.
Things have got worse. The mega important (if only because of the current Ukraine war/invasion) Dail vote that took place regarding our referendum and neutrality, has gone on to be national broadcaster edited out of subsequent TV prime time 6/9 o’clock news broadcasts and even from additional programmes where government TD’s could have been easily confronted on their undemocratic actions – not allowing the public a vote on the matter.
RTE however, was and still is, quite happy to let same elected go on air repeatedly saying that vast swages of Ireland’s people want to “reconsider” our national neutrality position.
THIS IS A BLATANT LIE as todays Sunday (3rd April, 2022) published national poll massively shows – yet RTE is allowing them all, here too, to get away with it. Allowing them to escape unquestioned, no accountability.
It’s time for fire RTE’s directors, along with all those aiding the their putting out blatant lies and media biased censorship, to be completely fired. If we cannot do that, it’s time to close the RTE propaganda setup down completely.
Once again, the matter exposes how whiplash u-turning the Green Party – care of it’s top ranks – has really become. First they betray the nation over #CETA. Now, they again u-turn on another long held, core party #Neutrality position. They want to save the environment but think far less or nothing about further risking human lives. Democracy referendum denied. We can only imagine that core Green members right around the country, right NOW must be reconsidering their party membership. I most certainly would. 100% honesty.
The top ranks of the Green party have again betrayed their own core positions long taken. This is shocking party stuff – for any party to do.