This post is going to be detailed and that means, of some length. If you wish to stay uninformed, blindly fooled and wilfully extorted from – as is your right – then bypass this post. For everyone that wants to learn more, please read on.
Points to note.
1. The old traditional parties (Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour, The Green Party, etc) not only want to keep RTE going, they MUST keep RTE going. Why? They have increasing less ability to control what information and opinion is being now shared on the internet. To any party that wishes to control any pitch or narrative that was traditional dumped on a mass nation previously, the internet to them is a curse.
Before public Internet accessibility came about in Ireland, the long established primary way that people across the country were told what was going on, and what the government of the day was going to do in their name, was through national media outlets that were previously fewer in number. After the foundation of the state, national newspapers were mainly used to get the government spin out. Later – June 1, 1960 to be exact – RTE was founded.
This immediately was used by the government of the day, along with others thereafter, as a further mass communication tool, to sell their political ‘sales pitches’ or stunts to the public. Everyone tuned in for the One, Six or Nine news (for example). First, through radio, then later, through TV sets, the government of the day was (a) far more effectively and (b) for more immediately (as papers took time to print and then country distribute) able to throw out news of their latest antics and ideology. In short, pass long their PR pitches – with no other national TV media setups to challenge them or the people they put in charge (directly or indirectly through influence used) of running a broadcasting setup. A then monopoly setup.
2. Later again, It was became bad (for FF/FG/Labour) that UK based newspapers were being sent over from the United Kingdom. These were newspapers that were not initially Ireland management based – so could not be influenced, pressurised or silenced as much as more Ireland founded and based ones. The UK papers were uncovering many party member antics and writing about them on their front pages. Example: How one Mr Ahearn was stated as heading a Swiss based, financial business consortium who were looking to get their hands on Irish forestry land.
At the same time, Mr Ahern was still part of an in place government, and he held a ministers position that was said by the Sunday Times, that provided access to core information that could be useful to anyone wishing to obtain any info’ on land purchases of a forestry nature. A conflict of interest by a TD? Nothing new there – but all this and much more, was reported by UK newspapers – while more home grown and home managed media outlets then buried such matters.
RTE (with FF/FG connected people at the top management table) definitely under reported such matters. In fact, often failed to report such things at all. Stories (scandals) that the UK papers were publishing in detail, were purposely ignored and not shared forward by other, more Ireland based, media outlets. The hashtag “#RTEcensored” was born.
3. The hashtag “#RTEcensored” was later born in later years, not only due to the invention of the internet but to the distain of many a government, the publics ability to quickly take advantage of its growing existence and subsequent use. Governments of the world, Ireland included, have had no choice but to go along with it. The ‘genie was out of the bottle’ and there was no way of getting it back in. They could:
(a) they could try stomping it out or denying as much public access to it (like in North Korea) as they could,
(b) they could try limiting what can be stated as information or shared as opinion (like in China) through their own strict controlled version of an internet service, or
(c) grit their teeth as the majority of other world users jumped in billion numbers, onto mainstream internet lines of individual and mass group connection.
In Ireland, how internet/social media usage was able to undermine previous government antics, was exemplified by the fast emergence of protest groups around the state, vast organised, fast organised and rapid united through internet usage. Even worse for continuous questionable government, was that many of their antics was not only able to be exposed, but by further public information sharing (such as this very post), the public was and still is now, far easier able to cop on what the hell is often really going on – or trying to be tried on – under their very eyes!
So, here we are today.
RTE, while not the major influencer to an entire nation that it once was in it’s heyday, is still able to reach out to a mass public though news bulletins and other created political programmes (stacked it’s said, by more FF/FG connected/influenced presenters).
* The Irish government can no longer control what’s being said on the internet across Ireland related social media sections. However, and here’s a sneaky bit, they are trying to impose laws that will influence how things are to be said and in further limitation, if they can help it – but we will come back to that…
* RTE, while power diminished, is still a setup that has a powerful reach. Let’s be clear. If certain political parties cannot greater control social media and those operating on it, exposing, questioning their antics, at the very least, at the very last – RTE can still be used to exert some form of mass influence in order to throw out political sales pitches while deliberately under-reporting other government political scandals. Did you know there’s been over 70+ since 2020 alone? No. RTE has much under-reported much. Yes, #RTEcensored.
RTE, a considered government propaganda setup, must be paid for. Dodgy parties that wish to continue using it and its power to immediate and vast mass influence (even if it’s somewhat diminished) the public, must be kept going at all costs (to the taxpayer) so that the old parties can at least try to get their political PR stunts, faces, selective soundbites and too short of full information, political pitches out to a mass nation.
RTE, in the eyes of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour (just to start with) must survive. They insist on it. Their public stated reason why it MUST survive, is that “the state needs a national public service”. …But does it – and has RTE gone way beyond just a “public service” many ask! “No matter!” say party elected. RTE must be kept going at any cost.
* If that cost is the taxpayer further exploited one way or other, so be it? If that cost is FF/FG/Greens now pressganging a nation of people into more paying for it, so be it? Damn your right to choose and pay for a service that you only wish to use!
It’s clear that mass numbers have said a big “F**K you” to RTE, as they increasingly decline to buy or renew their TV licenses. In fact, you can possible go quicker to prison for not paying for a €160 TV license than taking Euro billions from public pockets by bank screw-ups (but that’s another issue). Vast increasing numbers don’t want or use RTE services.
They are in part,
(a) sick and tired of it’s money burning and greedy antics,
(b) sick and tired of the inner corruption (where additionally, no one there is ever held to courtroom account) and
(c) sick and tired of the mainly FF/FG constant propaganda coming direct from political faces or others that operate through microphones and cameras as their fronts!
No matter, FF/FG say “RTE must be paid for” and you are going to damn well pay for it still – and they will make it so. Stuff you and your right to choose! If FF/FG are to even try maintain some modicum of immediate and vast spread national indoctrination, then the last bastion of ability to make that happen, must be through RTE which they insist must be kept going. You are not meant to cop all this and more. Go back to sleep!
For those still awake, FF/FG intend to ‘sell’ their ‘media tax’ though the following ways. By the way “sell” is just a PR word too. You are getting it, like it or not. I digress. The ‘media tax’ is going to be idea sold to the nation in two main ways.
1. It will be cheaper than the current “TV license” setup.
2. Other media setups will benefit.
Sounds great don’t it? You are not really meant to question points one or two. Just accept it as fact and that they are reason enough to impose a further (no choice given) government extortion charge. A “charge” that will be now made into a “Tax” so that the national Revenue department in turn, using laws and powers it already has, to take money from you – even if that means “garnishing” your money direct from basic source before you even get access to it.
A bonus for the FF/FG parties? Later they will claim “It’s got nothing to do with us. It’s Revenue taking the money off you. Not us.” They fact that they are only setting you up for this next fall, creating a further target for your back to additional carry, is supposed to later, go out of your voter mind! (They hope)
Back to the two points above.
1. It will be cheaper than the current “TV licence” setup. Yes, that’s part of the political pitch to come. However, once it’s firmly established in legal place and in the minds of the public, there’s nothing to say that the tax will forever remain at the lower price. Let’s be honest, it will eventually go up. That’s a safe bet. Reasons or excuses will be found that will cause it to rise. However, you are not supposed to think that far ahead. You are just supposed to swallow the pitch soundbites like a good chap. Now, roll over and meekly, quietly accept it! Fianna Fail and Fine Gael thank you.
2. Other media setups will benefit. Sounds great don’t it! Finally, other media (if you also want them or not) will also be able to access taxpayer money. Yes, private profit making enterprises will be bunged further taxpayer money too. No matter that a government of the day might be later able to further influence a media outlet by (behind closed doors) letting private enterprises know “If you play ball with us, you get some money. Piss us off and we can see to it that your allocation is reduced or cut off!” …Added to the possibility that, the throwing of taxpayer money to more private business setups, will be a way of backdoor influence. After all, a reporter/director/company owner/etc, is not going to bite a hand that’s later feeding it? All be it taxpayer money…. Heads, political parties in government win. Tails, you, the taxpayer lose again.
The fact that other media outlets will also be used as a front (and excuse, a means to an end) in order to ensure RTE will gain the bulk of taxpayer money, extorted through using the national Revenue service, is something more you are not supposed to cop or think further on. No. Stay well stupefied and under-informed. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael thank you also for that.
The ’media tax’ is going to be tried imposed on you because you own a computer, an electronic tablet, a smartphone or other internet accessing device. What’s is definite supposed to go over your head (so that RTE is primarily funded – let’s not kid ourselves) is that RTE and even other media outlets have little or nothing to do with the internet, besides existing on it like a purchasable item in a supermarket!
…And there’s the thing. When you go into a supermarket, a petrol garage, a local newsagents, etc, you go in and pick up something you particular like and want. Other items/services exist there too, ready for choosing or need them. However, just because they are also there, don’t mean you are forced to pay for them too. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael (enabled this time by the Green Party) are unofficially – soon to be official in law if they get their way – that YOU MUST pay for a product (RTE) that exists just because it exists (excuses or not, to justify its existence).
Your right to choice, to buy a service or not, is being legal denied to you. It might be legal soon – but that don’t make it moral. It’s state pressganging by threatened extortion. “Pay up or we will see you punished – and if you still don’t pay up, we will see to it that Revenue will garnish your money.”
Besides RTE existing like now millions of other items on the Internet, you are going to be try made pay for something that contributes bugger all to the existence of the Internet. Your money will be extorted and given to setups (including other private profit making setups) so that ultimately, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael try to retain some way to exert a mass method of political reach and immediate reach. …If you like it or not! “COUGH UP!”
END NOTE: Earlier I stated ”…they are trying to impose laws that will influence how things are to be said and in further limitation, if they can help it…”
First world governments don’t want to be seen shutting down the internet. There would be mass uproar. Economies would crumble in minutes, alone. So, the internet will continue to exist in many ways – much to the distain of political parties that don’t like greater information getting out. They can’t stop the vast bulk of information getting out – but they can at least try to curtail what’s being said. New laws and updated laws are being nationally and internationally imposed.
Using a cloak of justification, further laws/rules are being imposed so that (a) people are more limited in what they say and (b) what information they can even gain access to.
The reasons being used to justify the former, have some merit – but they have to – in order to be useable too, in advantage for certain political parties.
As for the latter
(a) in dying days of a previous FG/Labour government, they quietly slipped in laws that further limited FOI access as to their own part and individual financial activities and
(b) Fine Gael has gone to even further extremes. They have now made it hard to even access what amounts in payment of taxpayer money, are going to particular retired elected. You are not also allowed to know where your taxpayer money to directly going to, not allowed to know in what particular amounts to a person and not allowed to share that information – even if you could get it.
There’s a lot you are not supposed to know or further think about. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael thank you for not doing so and remaining less informed.
Double Standards
Fianna Fail
Fine Gael
Human rights