Whatever the reason prior to Putin’s invasion of another country, whatever stories being told by sick people making excuses for Putin, the ultimate truth is that Putin is a murderer. More so now, a mass murder.
He decision to send in his forces, who are now also deliberately targeting non-military targets and deliberately killing civilians, is inexcusable.
Saying “but it’s war” or “this is what happens in war” or “their government asked for it”, etc, is still no excuse for the killing Putin, himself, has personally done by sending in his nations forces.
Yes, I’m all too aware the USA has done similar in the past while still continuing to interfere with other states today. Yes, I’m all too aware that Israel is daily sending in its army into ever shrinking Palestine land.
I condemn the whole bloody lot of them. Evil personified.
Putin, at this very moment however, is committing mass killing. I condemn him as much as I condemn any other evil entities that might have even gave him his piss poor excuse to then invade a democratic country, bomb the crap out of it and mass kill it’s people.
The world should shun Putin – as it should shun other world, still living government criminals from previous White Houses to Asia based dictators, from African warlords and Arabian killers of journalists to North Korean crackpots! They should be shunned, they won’t be. They certainly should be held to criminal account. They won’t be.
Why? Because other states, other leaders needs them for money or resources or even weapons. So turning a blind eye to some crimes while further kissing ass, will be the continuing order of the day.
It’s all wrong. What’s equally wrong is others staying silent about it all… What’s equally wrong is people making excuses for criminals…
I’m only one person in a world of billions – and as useless as my voice is in that number, I still condemn every bloody person involved in the killing and rights stealing of others.
Wrong is always wrong – no matter the tried on, PR bullshit, window-dressing excuses. You are free to disagree.
Double Standards