According to reports, the set-out agenda of an upcoming Fianna Fail “think-in”, has been deliberately structured so that – as Michael Martin has reported demanded – no defeatism be allowed come forth.
So, for the gathering, the top rank has refused requests for time to be allotted for the topic “the future of the party”. Topic censored. Top rank fear others might say something bad about their dear leader and how disastrous he has run the party, never mind also the government!
Fianna Fáil ‘rebels’ who still can’t find their own spine, to actually do something, are again corner speaking to reporters anonymously instead. To their perhaps only credit, they reaffirm thinking that also exists outside the Fianna Fáil party. That thinking is, that a certain leader has been a party disaster.
Dear leader has allowed no accountability. He has allowed Leo Varadkar to get away with countless upstaging acts, news media jumping, way with criminality and in general, not allowed just Fine Gael but also the Green Party to also run the government by calling the shots.
At best, Michael Martin is considered by many of his own elected TDs, as a mere figurehead of an already Fine Gael government in place. The think-in has been deliberately topic structured so that the party can try extruding confidence and appear to have made no mistakes whatsoever. Any planned formal discussion of such, has been shut down before it could even begin. Anger being tried to be kept silent.
At a fundamental level, this farce (another one to add to the 70+ the party has had since January 2020) further solidifies what many have recognised as wrong with Fianna Fáil this last decade. The top ranks don’t ‘get it’.
They are out-of-touch, elitist like their coalition Mafia mates, deliberate in many acts of looking the other way at things they refuse to address, full of corruption, allowing it, while steadfast in refusal to deal with their guilty and greedy. They remain egotistical, looking down their noses at many, dismissive of people, continue own self-adopted agendas imposed on lower ranks/public by then manipulating their bullying way through use of an outdated, disgusting “Whip” party system.
All this and more, has brought about the rapid sinking decline of Fianna Fail support with the general public. A growing aware public see all this, while also seeing an ineffectual figurehead leader that’s proved not only to be also a u-turn artist, at times a pot calling a kettle black, but considered by many own party members to be a mere seat warmer for a returning opposition party, PR spinner, law dodging, big business first, elitist.
Fianna Fáil rank and file by their own admission, have stated they fear what’s coming when they foolishly vote in December, to allow Fine Gael take charge of the government. As much as they are already damaged by Fine Gael heads appearing to be more in charge than the current government leader, when it becomes official after December 15th, they consider themselves to be further royally screwed. Their words.
Those looking on from the outside, an ever-increasing number of public, can see this a mile off. If they can see it, so can inner Fianna Fail members and they have stated this to reporters anonymously – out of fear that they will be party punished for daring to even speak! That’s clearly no way to run what’s supposed to be “a democratic” party.
At the end of the day, many current Fianna Fáil higher elected heads are expected to announce that they won’t be running again. They will take their accumulated pensions, await private company directorship offers or lobbying positions – after jumping ship before a general election sinking. To some degree Fine Gael heads will do same. As for the Green Party, they face complete and utter destruction. A total safe bet.
Right now, there is more chance of Lord Lucan appearing on Shergar the horse, riding down the middle of O’Connell Street, than Mary-Lou McDonald not becoming the next term government leader. Fianna Fáil heads know this but at their upcoming meeting, are not allowed to officially discuss why this has come about. That party-imposed censorship says it all about how bad things are within a government party – and inner members have expressed this to reporters and the likes of myself in confidentiality.
The future of Fianna Fail does not look well. A result in part, also brought about by too silent ‘rebels’ – who are unwilling to actually rebel. Fianna Fáil continues to sow the seeds of its own destruction but they are not allowed to talk about that – and that says it all.