It’s All About Painted Image – Not Full Reality?
Sunday Statement.
Four top resignations of professionals involved with the creation of Slaintecare, has once again exposed the complete utter disaster that the current government is, when it comes to implementing plans with great notions and loads of PR for six and nine o’clock TV news reports.
Slaintecare was in theory, a 10 year agenda programme that would change the current health care setup that is continuing to be the disaster it is – as it stays within the hands of the usual political parties in consecutive governments made up by them.
One idea behind Slaintecare, was to the Irish care system towards regionalisation. Soon after the political announcement to do just this and more, amid great publicity care of elected representatives, internally it allegedly became apparent that what was said to microphones by the usual parties, was not manifesting itself in proper progress as it should.
Such has been the complete frustrations of many with the committee to take Slaintecare forward, many of those involved felt like they were banging their head against state put up walls rather the government taking them down. The result so far, has been four top resignations from people that just had enough of alleged hassle and roadblocks.
Speaking of possible hassle, subsequent to the four resignations that occurred, a later meeting was then held in which a Mr Robert Watt – a government appointment to further oversee the matter – was in attendance. Such was his alleged behavior towards a professional at that subsequent meeting, that a complaint was apparently submitted to the Department of Health. All this and more, has of course, been media and #RTEcensored.
It’s not for the first time that it’s been found, that what an elected representative of the three parties has stated will occur, to much created publicity by them, actually culminates in little or no action and subsequently department people resign because they feel they are fighting a lost cause and gaining no real political will to do what’s been said into radio and TV microphones as elected seek themselves, to grandiose themselves before the public.
One apparent example of the confusion within the Slaintecare crises, is exemplified by a question put to Stephen Donnelly behind the media picture being TD painted for the public. He was apparently asked who was in actual charge of Slaintecare. His alleged response was “That’s a really good question, I’m not entirely sure what the answer is, I’ll have to get back to you on that”.
* If the top man over the nations health setup, didn’t know the top person at that stage, who was actually in charge of the Slaintecare project, what does it say about the people elected – who ask the public to trust them – to oversee it?
One source within Slaintecare has stated to media that the top minister has been ‘completely lost’ despite all media appearances to look and sound completely different. They stated “You’ve invested €1.5 Billion Euro (of the public’s money) into this as minister, you should have the answer on the tip of your tongue“.
Two people subsequently raise up by the three party government to further top oversee Slaintecare, have been accused by many within it, as been parcel of being previous roadblocks and non-progress occurring previously. Not exactly the right people, any decent government would genuinely want to see put in higher if they really did care about the matter – as they PR say they do in their own self-appraisal of themselves and supposed political efforts made!
It’s now though that “Something” might eventually be delivered as regards “Slaintecare” – if only to save the election blushes of those elected involved. However, what might be delivered, will apparently be core far away from what the original agenda was when the plan for Slaintecare was first publicised by the same elected (and more in their parties) in government.
Universal heralthcare has yet to be achieved On top of this, the government’s claim that they have produced more acute hospital beds than before, is shockingly met with another number. Than number being ONE MILLION people now are awaiting hospital treatments or even basic appointments so they made be further cared for.
Out of a nation of five million people, one fifth of them are waiting many years to be even seen by those that are urgently needed. Many of these same unwell citizens have been HSE letter informed they could be waiting even more years before being further seen.
What has been again seen however, is the willingness of top elected to go before cameras for publicity reasons and personal PR gain attempt, rather than show up for leadership question in the Dail, so that they can then be asked “What the hell is really going on beyond the microphone media spinning?”
A voting public can only be left with an overall conclusion. It’s #TimeForBetter to be placed at the top. Ireland needs a complete top rank clear out.
Regurgitating the same previous lot back again to elected government office, has exposed that such actions continues to be detrimental to national and individual citizen progress being ultimately achieved.