
Julian Assange has now been confined in Belmarsh maximum-security prison in London since April 2019. He is still squirrelled away there in UK prison at the behest of a previous Trump government who wanted, it’s been exposed, to have him kidnapped or killed if possible, on the very streets of Britain. Even though many of the war crimes happened under Obama’s reign and he too wanting revenge for the releasing of secret documents exposing the mass tortures and mass killings, even Obama didn’t go as far as kidnap off UK streets or embassy invasion. That was left for Trump to come up with! Obama, like Trump later, did their normal kidnappings (PR called “Renditions” – grabbing people up without proper legal process done) on far more foreign shores.
What was Assange’s ultimate crime that made him so wanted? He exposed that the American government was not only torturing many people in a country they illegally invaded but was also continuing to mass kill children and adults of all description – including even media reporters.
In order to try and get their hands on him, through CIA methods used, people are persuaded to make claims against Assange that the world has discovered now, have been completely and utterly false.
Indeed, one person that previously made outrageous claims to great USA government created publicity, has now alone, retracted their prior claims, stating they were entirely made up and were created at the behest of the White House, it’s occupants and a CIA department it continues to use as a dirty means to an end!
Another accuser was also later exposed as being directly linked to the CIA and under their direct influence too.
Despite many made claims being exposed as complete rubbish and the exposure of White House plans to use USA agents in the UK, to try illegal kidnap (PR spun as “rendition”) Mr Assange from a previous embassy or off an outside street beyond it, the British government in order to stay sucking up to USA interests and money, continues to hold Mr Assange in their prison walls as the years drag by and no subsequent courtroom case being yet open held.
Mr Assange has been years locked up away from his four children. His ultimate crime was to tell proven truths that rotten governments and presidents, didn’t want to have exposed.
While all this has been going on and continues to go on, others elected in states including Ireland, remain all too silent as this international injustice continues. They too, by their silence and turning a blind eye, are doing their own sucking up to a White House and UK government. ‘Money might talk’ but elected that want it – won’t!