The newspapers this last week were passing on the excuse words of heating/power companies this morning. The companies are complaining that they cannot drop prices due to contracts they are legally attached to. This is in truth, likely the truth – in part! Here’s what raises my interest – and I’m a person that likes to deal in specifics.
The companies order their stock/items in specific quantiles – at a fixed price. They tell us this themselves. These contracts, we should assume are not weekly or even bi-weekly contracts? If so, there’s a lot of blooming signatures going back and forth, every time on every contract being passed from seller to buyer! So – open to be told wrong – the contracts that companies sign up to, for large specific quantities, are probably longer in length. Lets say for example, each contract has a six month time period or even a year’s time period. Sound reasonable so far?
If that’s the case, then how can one company alone in the last year, raise their prices FIVE TIMES???
Now, if we are to believe that we are giving specific prices to pay according to whatever the company is trapped into at the time, then the company that upped their prices five times, must have entered into five contracts with that year period, to honestly justify their knock-on effect to consumer of upped prices? How can the companies up prices ‘at the drop of a hat‘ but not do same for lowering them – if they are, as they claim, only passing on price increases, at the time of upping, due to the specific corresponding business contract they are in with their own first party supplier?
As for the government, if they were any use, one of their investigative tasks should be to see the contract timing of these contracts – and note if said contracts correspond to – within a close time period – the upping of later prices for the end consumer. That’s you!
Again, I hope I am making sence here.
In the end, their excuses and their activities sticks. Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the wacko Green Party that’s anything but the “watch-dog” they election said they would be, are doing feck all to address a serious national underlying issue. As best, with €200 payments of money (given to them by the taxpayer in the first place), they are applying tempory ‘sticking plasters’ to a mega problem that they consistently refuse to CORE address properly. They don’t do proper accountability – and their own history repeatedly shows this.