To gain part refund on Government retrofitting a home scheme, you might have to possess up to €50,000 first, to then try qualify for later 40+% refund. Bare minimum €25,000 needed for a full part refund. Now, in full truth, the government now says they will – later – have something for those that are on low pay. Great – and it’s welcome – but it’s loans. Those on a breadline or totally broke, won’t want to be further burdened with yet another bill.
The hungry, homeless and cold need help NOW, not in years to come. It’s that simple for them and possibly someone you know too. Bringing down middle class (lucky them) energy bills is great but the retro scheme will not do anything for the most in dire need, right now. What the scheme will do, is add hardship to them – as the scheme will be paid for, through increased carbon taxes that are still being imposed by the government (especially Green Party). Giving to the more wealthy, by also more taxing the poor.
…But the PR painting government leaves out that important detail in their voicings across news airwaves. Odd that, eh?
David McWilliams, commenter on Newstalk radio yesterday morning (Pat Kenny Show) espousing that in a few years, things might get better regarding cost of living. He says to stop panicking. The reality is that people need help NOW. In a few years time, will be too late for many. They will have already been pushed over a bankruptcy and mental health edge. People are broke, hungry and cold NOW. They cannot wait years… It’s that simple.
The Taoiseach has defended plans to go ahead with another increase on carbon taxes – this time for household fuel – in May, insisting the long-term plans like retrofitting the country’s homes depend on the revenue generated by that tax. So the poor, struggling and already broke are to be hit with a even higher tax, so that those with money to spare, can save more. How the hell is this all helping those attending food kitchens, helping people having to decide between food for today or trying to stay warm? It does not – and they bloody know it.
The hiking of carbon taxes is kicking people yet again when they are already on the ground. It’s disgusting. Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Green Party are simply disgusting. Their PR words say one thing but their actions prove again, they don’t ultimately care – until they need votes for themselves!


You have to pay up to €50k to then get a discount of €25k. They do this next stunt so they can fool some people into thinking they are doing something regarding power and heating price hikes.
However, I will say the following again. Similar schemes have been tried – and failed badly. The reason is very simple. People are expected to have up-front FIRST, serious money available spend on such retrofitting – before they can then contemplate applying for a government partial refund later. The low paid, poor, and totally broke DO NOT have such money. Many have ZERO left over after paying basic bills. Many are in serious debt.
This retrofitting stunt is just that, a PR stunt that does not help the poor, sick, homeless, broke or bankrupt at all. It does feck all for them. The government is only giving money back to those that have it to spend, in the first place. A lucky few. The government knows this. Yet they still insult us by trying on this retrofitting stunt. It does bugger all to address the basic cost of living for the broke, low paid and struggling. Absolutely bugger all!
Then again, they know this. Think about that.