I would never say I am a ‘brainbox’ or genius. In fact, in one media interview in the past I stated on record that “I’m just a plonker trying to do his best“. In truth, that all most of us are. Just ordinary people that do make occasional mistakes – myself included – but get up every morning and try to be the best person we can be, day by day. I mention this deliberately as once again I see that RTE top heads again, are refusing to disclose who’s getting what in taxpayer money. To be fair, they claim they cannot state more accurate details because data law won’t allow them to do so. It’s a handy ‘get-out’ reason to be used when they find useful. A lot of stuff #RTEcensored.
Now this ‘plonker‘ has had a mad idea for some time, that might resolve this issue – and here it is. We improve our data laws to the extent that within such data laws, we allow people to opt out of gained taxpayer contribution details, being kept hidden.
Let me put it another way.
When someone wants to take up a job or have a state contract renewed,
1. Within our data laws that we have prior upgraded again, we…
2. then include within new job contracts or work renewal contracts, that for such positions to be gained, the applier must first agree to having their state (taxpayer contributed) payments and expenses details being allowed to be shared on public record.
* If they want a job that is taxpayer funded, if they want a renewal of a state contract, they must first agree (“sign on the dotted line please”) that they are also authorising their payments and expenses to be allowed go on public record.
Sound like a mad idea from just an average plonker?
Well, this person – sorry, plonker – thinks that our elected won’t bring about this legislative change. Why? Because if those job application conditions were adopted for anyone applying to work in RTE, ordinary citizens might say “Hang on! Why can’t those conditions also apply to ANY role or contract that might be also taxpayer funded?”
You can see where this is going, can’t you!
Yes, our TD’s and Senators sure as hell do NOT want the taxpayers of Ireland discovering just how much money they in particular are burning through on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. In fact – and you were never supposed to really know this – during the dying days of a previous (FG/Lab’) government, our elected representatives quietly rushed in changes to data law, that has resulted in taxpayers deliberately NOT able to gain specific information that they could once rightly access. Yes, they deliberately want you to know less.
REMEMBER THIS as elected themselves, will dare to give out about they being not able to gain access to information.
Meanwhile, regarding RTE, our usual parties will not be changing the laws and work contracts that clearly needs to be progressively changed. Then again, by some miracle, this plonker could be proved wrong. For the sake of better transparency and accountability, I would love to be proved wrong. My loss – the people’s gain. I can live with being proved wrong when the people gain! My ego can take it.
The ego’s (and greed?) of elected, is stopping them from what’s ultimately doing right by their employers – the taxpayers of Ireland. …But you’re not supposed to cop all that either! Just remain a fellow less knowledgeable plonker/citizen. One forced to pay up once again by them! Your TD – your employee – thanks you very much.