NOTE: This will be one of the most extensive posts I will have made in a while. If you want to become better informed on matters – read on. If you wish to stay limited in knowledge and continued to be further misled by others, stop reading now and continue to be used and exploited by same others.
First comes some background information – then comes how it’s attached to other still ongoing matters that appear to be separate – but in fact, is very much a part of a larger picture of political events, war and movement of people.
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Anyone daring to talk about the “Far Right” in Ireland is straight away leaving them open to be attacked by many on the fringes. This is why to good extent, so many don’t like the far right – but are afraid to stick their heads up and say anything – because goons of the far right have made it clear anyone that opposes them, are consider to be a target for more aggressive bullying, intimidation and other tactics which then intimidates good people into silence. The goons win again by their methods and they are very well versed in them.
For the record: I know, I’m constantly targeted by them online as they additionally hide behind forum fake names, pretend to know every facet of my life – and when they don’t they just make up crap to fill in gaps. They do this to everyone who opposes them. It’s what they do and it’s also well known that they do it.
Before we examine what is the “far right”, we should get a few prior matters cleared up or stated. The following is open for debate but generally, a lot of people do hold the following OPINION.
- Individually and collectively, the countries in Europe have made a right mess of things. From how to handle Ukraine right-wing Azov army thugs, how to handle a Ukraine government that still has serious dodgy people in it and is still dodgy as hell, as it continues to restrict democratic rights, union activity and other aspects of people’s lives and rights within Ukraine borders.
- Individually and collectively, the countries in Europe have aided and abetted the USA White House in creating an “Us and them” situation when it comes down to “European defense” and attempts to make sure they re-establish dominancy over other powerful international states.
- Individually and collectively, the countries in Europe have made a right mess in handling own to take care of people moving from one country to another.
- Individually and collectively, the countries in Europe have made a right mess of combating the more extremists that exist – left-wing or right-wing – across a continental shelf.
- Individually and collectively, the countries in Europe have made a right mess of interacting with Russia and their expressed concerns. We talking about concerns that are genuine and other (less genuine) ‘concerns’ that are also being used as a political means to gain advantage over others.
Here are some FACTS – that can be additionally independently confirmed:
- Leaving aside China who have the biggest share of much sought “Rare Earth” mineral elements for todays microchips, processors and electronics for electric cars, PlayStations and more, the Ukraine state has under it’s soil, one of the most additional amounts of “Rare Earth” quantities that all major states in the world would love to direct or indirect get their hands on. Ukraine is thought to have the largest supply of recoverable rare earth resources in Europe, although much of it is undeveloped. Rare earth minerals (cerium, yttrium, lanthanum and neodymium) and alloys are used in many devices people use every day, such as computer memory, rechargeable batteries, cellphones and much more.
. - The eastern Donbas region, where most of the fighting has taken place over the last nine years – YES – NINE YEARS – is often referred to as the industrial heartland of Ukraine. Rich in coal, it has helped fire the steel plants, foundries and electric generators of the country for a century, or more.
. - Roughly 80 per cent of Ukraine’s oil, natural gas and coal production reserves can be found in the Dnieper-Donetsk region, which has been the major focus of Russia’s military operations to “liberate” the country.
. - Ukraine is thought to have the second-largest natural gas deposits in Europe, estimated at 1.2 trillion cubic meters of proven reserves — and possibly up to 5.4 trillion cubic meters, much of it the now-contested offshore Black Sea region. The gains Russia has made at times in their invasion mean Moscow has control of two thirds of its neighbour’s maritime shelf, which is where an estimated 80 per cent of Ukraine’s offshore oil and natural gas deposits are found. More information found HERE and HERE.
. - At the time of the 2014 annexation of Crimea, Ukraine had been in talks with the Shell Oil Co. and Chevron Corp. to develop the Black Sea reserves — plans that were scuppered because of Russian actions.
. - Previously and still continuing, the USA and Russia in particular, are at proxy war with each other elsewhere. One of these locations is through other states that are Africa continental shelf based. Here too, a war for resources each seeks, is being sought and subsequently fought by others knowingly and unknowingly, seeking their covert enacted end goal agenda. See “THE BATTLE FOR AFRICA. THE BIGGER PICTURE” documentary that is located on the UnitedPeople Party website frontpage (LINK) for an explosive exposure of this matter and just how much the people of Europe are not being greater told by politicians and biased media.
. - Russia has to scout additional sources of natural gases to tap. Russia has to look across a West border – the Ukraine – for all it needs. All the military strategic positions notwithstanding, to Russia and the West, Ukraine of the future so far remains an untouched, untapped, natural resource location up for grabs. The winner takes all. A foothold in the country would mean an economic driver, energy security, and a strong and secure strategic position for the state – but more importantly, for those backing the state – for many decades to come and ALL sides know this.
Short version. The Ukraine state has many minerals and elements that other world states want. FACT.
What is the opinion of many, is that same desiring states are not just using an “invasion” as a front to gain eventual access to these sought items but that they are also using the “invasion” pretext in order to additionally gain military and geo-location political ideology prominence over other state that operate a system of people control beyond what Europeans call “democracy“.
It has been opinionated that the US government (under Republicans and Democrats) are aiming to stop Russia from dominating Europe through energy dependence and what a US Secretary of State Antony Blinken termed “weaponising heat” by controlling gas during winter months. While House occupants want to stop Russia (and China) from gaining any advantages or dominance in many physical areas and in further political terms too.
Short version. The current “war” is absolutely not just about “”East versus West” and the rights of the people in just the Donbass regions but on a bigger scale, the ability of outside states to PR spin that their involvement is only about the rights of people in the Ukraine and their original historic background. This far from the total truth being mass told/sold to world populations.
- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is no fool. He knows to some degree that a high percentage of the people in the Donbass region feel more politically and culturally connected to a Russian state than a newer Ukraine independent one. Top heads of the EU and USA know this too. All are willing to overlook such fundamental points as they each are determined to gain their own end goals.
. - Russia directed much of its covert intelligence in Ukraine toward sabotaging the country’s energy independence ambitions, particularly in hydrocarbon development. Ukraine was getting set to issue more exploratory approvals in the region when Russia launched its invasion on Feb 24th, 2022. One goal of the modern Ukraine government (and EU heads) was to wean Ukraine off imports of Russian oil and natural gas. If the Ukraine further did so, they would be far less beholden to a Moscow government and thus be more open to handing over business contracts to European and American investors seeking to greater profit from what still lays under Ukraine soil. The current war is not just about “Human rights” and “the fight for democracy“. It’s also (by majority, some opinionate) all about profit, power influence and easier access to needs for the future.
. - All sides in the current warring mess, would know all this and more. All sides are staying quiet as to aspects of this war, that if wider known among an Earth population, could see them each political ostracised from their very home electorate (as in the West’s democratic situation) or even ousted from power (in the remote chance of a political coup in other states).
. - Russia itself, can state (and they do) that the prime motivation of their instigated “special operations” are rooted in the myth of a “Greater Russia” and patriotism, but more educated and unblinkered can’t help but notice how the historic line of the war and the current battle map can be directly tied to resources wanted by all outside states.
. - Irony of all ironies? President Volodymyr Zelensky is giving out – rightly to some extent – about another state invading his own – while at the same time fully supporting Israel as it illegally continues to invade Palestine land and plunder it’s very soil. Double-standards much? While this is going, the West/USA turns a blind eye to the hypocrisy! Indeed, we don’t see European states rushing to defend the Palestine government as their state is further tank, weapons, soldier invaded. We don’t see European states rushing to supply arms, etc, to the trapped people of Palestine as they are daily more invaded – but then again, the Ukraine has a lot more of, what the Palestine state doesn’t have under its soil? “Aaa… Well, that’s situation is different, of course!” you will hear USA/EU governments PR spout again and again.
END RESULT: “War” or “Special Operations” now continuing in the Ukraine – that’s daily reported. Over in Palestine, they are basically on their own, left to be jet bombed, homes destroyed, journalists sniper killed and women/children weekly army murdered. Much of this is not weekly national media reported. FACT.
Let’s get Back To Ireland.
One of the knock-on effects of the Ukraine “War” or “Special Operations” is the sudden increase of others from the state, coming to Ireland. Let’s get one aspect of this mass people influx straight from the start. Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party (along with biased media) are repeatedly stating that Ireland has a legal obligation to take such people.
The above not withstanding, Ireland people in general accept and when all possible, are vast majority willing to help out their fellow man, woman and child. A position/opinion I completely agree with. It is the right, moral thing to do when possible. This is not a just Christian value. It’s a decent value of any decent person. Help where we can. Help when we can. Help all – not just some. “No” to discrimination.
What is fact, is that Ireland under the rule of Fine Gael in conjunction with Labour, Green Party or Fianna Fail, 2011, has made a complete hash of social home building in Ireland, alongside dealing with an outstanding street homelessness crises what since 2011 – where Fine Gael took over – has become far worse! Fine Gael and its enablers will say different but consecutive numbers speak for themselves. The long existing outcome that has got worse, is that Ireland people, pre-Ukraine situation, were homeless in ever growing numbers.
Prior to the Ukraine situation Fine Gael and enablers couldn’t be bothered to dream up, never mind further instigate many of the housing solutions that they suddenly created post-Ukraine situation. Now, they can claim – with some merit – that the Ukraine situation was (still is) a unique crises but opposition can argue with equal merit that some of their sudden instigated measures, could have been earlier applied for year to the already homeless in Ireland. They weren’t however. This at street levels throughout Ireland, has caused some amount of serious indignation, even anger.
Had Fine Gael and its enablers bothered to early address the conflicting situations (acting for Ukraine incoming but not acting in same way for those already Ireland homeless) then where we are today with angered people in Ireland might be much less in level of irritation. In short: Fine Gael and its enablers once again mega screwed up. They could attempt to explain the difference now – but that would be like trying to pout out a fair after it’s long started and already done considerable damage. Instead, they still do absolutely nothing regarding this area of national irritation and frustration. No explanations whatsoever to explain why they failed to do the same for previous homeless but suddenly ca for incoming victims from elsewhere. They silence again betrays much incompetency.
Up Steps The Far Right.
Till the Ukraine war kicked off, the leaders of far right parties in Ireland were barely being noticed, never mind further heard. They were vast majority ignored by every level of society, from the poorest of the poor, to a rich elite. The best they could hope for in trying to gain traction, was offer newsbytes on housing to the few media outlets that would even give them attention, never mind actual airtime or print space – both of which they never really got. They were considered an irritant going nowhere. One far right party hasn’t helped itself by storm-trooping around the country surrounded by a protection squad of guys masked head to toe in black gear reminiscent to many, of uniforms of the 1940’s German Gestapo. The intention was then clear, to be intimidating and give all the appearances of power. In truth, outside their own clique, they had then and they still have now, bugger all power.
Turning up at Dail protests, along with far right leaders, came additional imported goons from the UK. Goons that were later name identified. The far right heads were all there to protest – as was their legal right – about having to wear facemasks. However, the irony was lost on the far right turning up, that some of them turning up were wearing balaclava masks, covering their faces, to protest about the state telling them to wear masks! Far right screaming and shouting began at the Dail. The aggressive crowd got themselves more and more heated. The eventual result was person striking a fellow Ireland citizen with a stick they reportedly had kept hidden within a rolled up tricolour flag. The person they had struck, was equally carrying their legal right to protest. The victim was doing it lawfully, pacify and non-confrontational – that was until they found themselves confronted and surrounded by intimidatingly goons shouting into her face, just inches away. They outnumbered her. They swarmed in like a pack of wolves – then one struck her.
- Kamikaze described the attack, saying: “It hurt a lot. It knocked me to the ground. They were screaming ‘paedo scum’, which is how they refer to gay people. I had my scalp glued later in hospital. I’m being subjected to harassment online now and accused of photoshopping blood on to the images by the far right.” LINK
Quickly realising the PR damage that was done that day to themselves by one of their their own possible people, far right party members and supporters rapidly went on social media and internet forums to quickly spin invented tales.
1. The attacked brought it on themselves,
2. They did it to themselves,
3. It was fake blood,
4. It was an undercover Garda/state setup and much more.
It was all completely rubbish from start to finish but that didn’t stop the invented tales being deliberate spread by others, who then started to create their own conspiracy inventions or accelerated others, which in turn then added stupid fuel to an already false narrative!
Weeks later, when the real truth began to emerge, that it was indeed a Dublin man that did strike her, that it was not fake blood, that it was not an undercover Garda or agent for them, that the victim did not do it to themselves, that it was indeed an apparent supporter of many perceived on the day, to be an aggressive intimating fringe group, only then far right groups and those following them suddenly became very quiet. They then deliberately changed online topics away from what they had been falsely being net spinning for weeks. The guilty attacker ended up jailed for two years. (NEWS LINK). The attacker had 48 previous convictions include assault, violent disorder, affray, burglary, theft and public order offences.
More truth? The outbreak of the Ukraine situation has been a gift to far right leaders. As escapees of the European crises filtered through to Ireland shores, seeking shelter, four walls and roof to live under that wasn’t being bombed by Russian weaponry, Once the people numbers started coming in – with no explanations from Fine Gael why they didn’t earlier act for already long-term homeless – far right leaders nearly fell over themselves to make the most of the new situation. Until that point, they hadn’t made any serious success in incorporating their existence into the mindsets of society levels. At best they gained stragglers over the wearing of facemasks. Right or wrong in their thoughts on the matter, they initially used the mask topic to fire up those that were not previously fired up – the lowers, poorer class of Ireland society. The far right leaders then realising they had a modicum of further supporters, then went to work to wing their support even more. How they did this, is by known practiced methods that other like them had carried out beyond Ireland borders. The far right leaders did (and still do) the following. They began by far more exploiting Irelands current economic anxieties and frustrations that affected poorer people, to recruit them into their movement. They did this by utilsing a number of known factors
- Economic nationalism: they further hyped up their ideas of economic nationalism. To them, this means prioritising the interests of one’s own country over those of other countries. This, completely understandably, can be appealing to poorer people who may feel that their jobs and economic opportunities are being taken away by globalisation and foreigners arriving on Ireland shore. “They’re taking our jobs!” However, the far right leaders always fail to mention that economic nationalism can also lead to protectionist policies and trade wars, which can ultimately harm Ireland’s national and local economies, thus in fact, lead to job losses. None of this is ever mentioned by the far right leaders. It all doesn’t suit their narrative – and if it doesn’t suit their tales to be spun, then it must be automatically “false” of course!
. - Scapegoating: Far-right leaders moved onto scapegoating marginalised groups such as immigrants, refugees, and ethnic minorities for economic problems. They painted these groups as a threat to the economic wellbeing of the country and used this factor to stoke fears and anxieties even more. Poorer people may be particularly vulnerable to this messaging as they may feel that their economic struggles are due to competition with these groups. It was easy then for the far right leaders to exploit this ‘reason’ they further hyped up and then exploit the after effects of their very actions.
. - False promises: Far-right groups continued to make false promises to poorer people, such as promising to create jobs or improve the economy – one more isolation based around “Ireland for the Irish”. These promises used, have further recruited people into their movement but upon actual detailed accountancy and logistical analysis, they soundbite invented plans are unrealistic or based on flawed economic theories, theories that have been debunked by others or non-workable by past far right leaders and their attempts to take over a state economy and people. History teaches this over and over, to those actually willing to learn.
. - Divisive rhetoric: the far-right fringe used and continue to use divisive rhetoric that pits different groups against each other. This can create a sense of solidarity within the far-right movement, but can also exacerbate social and economic divisions and prevent meaningful solutions to economic problems. They cry about a better life for all – but only the people they favour as good for society. Not others that they, same time, stir up hatred against. Those others, they treat with distain and find fault to make them out for tarnishing. Standard divide and conquer tactics. get the people stirred up enough to back their ideas, the next thing we know, segmentations of society suddenly find they are second-class citizens to be mistreated or told to “Go home“, ran at by a car in a Dublin housing estate – even when they too were actually born on Ireland soil just as much as others long island resident.
Overall, far-right groups the world over, often exploit the economic insecurities and frustrations of poorer people to advance their own limited agenda. They don’t extensive address high up political issues that spread across middle class demographics. They don’t stray from a narrow pathed range of topics. They fail to address the root causes of economic, discriminations or legal inequality and don’t provide extensive real solutions to economic problems – while at same time bashing those that are trying to. This bashing extends to other opposition parties that they also make out to be national enemies to the people.
In other words, if you are not with them, they consider you an enemy to be attacked. They seek out and prey on the vulnerable, garnishing their support by directly appearing to share their anger – but truthfully, do not offer many solutions that have to be often complex beyond soundbites. They tell the vulnerable what they want to hear, offer their sympathy while then doling out false promises and divisive rhetoric that’s standard for of far-right groups. Further truth, other normal parties do the latter tactics – they really do – but the point that should be concentrated on is a fundamental one. The far right groups have shown themselves to be consistently unable to address (beyond soundbites) in detail, such matters as how to improve Ireland democracy, how to reform in legal terms and protocols our judicial system, how to resolve out complex international relationships filled with contradictions, lies and non-accountability. They don’t detail address how to reform our broadcasting acts not point out that the wages of RTE’s elite are in fact ONE PERCENT of RTE’s national fiscal budget spending. The extremes would rather the poorer of society would just stay focused on that one percent rather than seek the addressing of of how RTE further wastes a lot of the other 99%.
Therein lies the issue. Far right – and indeed, far-left too – want the poorer margins of society to stay greater narrow focused in things they can relate to and only related to. That way the extremes can greater engage and appear to be in line poorer society, limited topic awareness scope. The extremes take advantage, along with other parties, those that are less informed and who are often kept that way. They are kept that way by lack of further education given.
You might ask at this point “Why are poorer classes less educated or wise to the antics of others (including the extremes) and their tactics?” For the record, here are a number of reasons.
- Lack of financial resources: The poor of a society may not have the financial resources to pay for high-quality education, such as private schools or tutoring. This can limit their educational opportunities, limit their ability to correctly question matters and their dire economic situation makes it more difficult to access the resources they need to succeed in finding out greater truth and facts. So, they are more easier mislead by those throwing easy explanation from the ‘cheap seats’.
. - Limited access to resources: Poorer parts of society may have limited access to a wider range of resources such as books, computers, and internet access, all of which that offer up important critical thinking that should be greater practiced. The knock-on effect of this then leads to a hindering of learning and difficulty to overcome life obstacles – that then leads to even more frustrations and anger. Someone popup and says “We understand your anger. We support you” – who do you think they are quicker going to follow without really examining their other party policies, if they have any wide-ranging ones at all?
. - Socioeconomic barriers: people from poorer families may face socioeconomic barriers that can make it more difficult for them to succeed in life. For example, they may have to work part-time jobs to help support their family, sick, dying, or they may not have a safe to even live and love.
. - Health-related issues: A poorer margin of society may be more likely to suffer from health-related issues such as malnutrition, disease, dental issues and lack of access to healthcare, which can negatively impact their performance to better reason and critical examine. They are understandably too busy just trying to survive. Enter a party that in narrow focus says “This is the exact cause of a lot of your issues. These incoming people are undermining you!” without further critical thinking and even time to examine or dig for the real facts, they are too easily led by those that wish to drag them along with too simplistic answers behind their “Ireland for the Irish” banners. By the way, if you want to know why “Ireland for the Irish” is really utterly stupid as a statement as if being “Irish” was only about a pure DNA – read HERE.
The island of Ireland has been inhabited for over 9,000 years, and over that time, there have been many different groups of people who have lived here, each with their own cultures, languages, and traditions, running alongside their intermixing of European DNA. The earliest known inhabitants of Ireland were hunter-gatherers who ARRIVED on the island around 7,000 BC. These people were later replaced by the Celts, who migrated to Ireland from central Europe around 500 BC and went on to become the dominant cultural group on the island.
However, the history of Ireland is also marked by numerous invasions, colonisations, and migrations by other groups, including Vikings, Normans, and English settlers. These groups have had a profound impact on the culture and genetic makeup of the population of Ireland, making it difficult to identify a single group as the indigenous inhabitants of the island. In terms of the modern population of Ireland, it is generally accepted that the people who are descended from the earliest inhabitants of the island, as well as from later groups such as the Celts, are considered to be the “native” Irish people. However, it is important to note that the population of Ireland is diverse and includes people of many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Through these many demographics and segmentations of our island people, there has been the growing of a culture deemed to be called “Irish”. A title awarded in order for island people to be able to distinguish one another from other people from other land zones.
Why mention all this? Because it’s actually very important. All parties know the aforementioned but those with any modicum of decently tend not not to exploit the poor, to the extent that extremes on the left or right political directions really do. Simpler put, better looked after people have greater advantages in not just living in Ireland but also being able to better think in Ireland. The extremes of the world rush in where angels fear to thread – and then take advantage of public weaknesses within poorer class segmentations. History here too teaches this over and over. The facts are out there for those that can, who can greater critical think and be allowed to critical think, to discover.
If you have made it this far (big thanks) then if you haven’t copped it already, you should have further learned that you, as a resident in Ireland (if that’s what you be) are being used by many people, a number of groups, multiple international governments and political parties. Many of these that have that have failed you, exploited you and broke laws for while they then get you, the taxpayer, to pay their EU imposed fines, are each trying to lead you towards one agenda or another of their own design. Most parties are willing to do this, the extremes go to extreme levels.
More Truth? Core Truth?
There are genuine people in Ireland that think elected in government office have completely screwed up when it come to opening flood gates. One truth is that Fine Gael and their enablers have done this before. Remember their opening of legal floodgates so that Ireland could be invaded by bulk buying vultures, international investment funds gambling over mass land and property buys? You’re not meant to remember. Fine Gael and their enablers thank you for forgetting.
In their right or wrong, further allowing of people to come in unhindered, they simply, stupidly forgot to address – explain – why up till that moment they couldn’t do same previously for others that have been homeless. I have stated this already and more already – so I won’t again rehash. Further from that, decent good people on poorer margins of society became angered by their mistake (or deliberate non-act?). No one else in the Oireachtas was willing to provide proper explanation at the glaring preferential treatment incomers were perceived to gain. No one in elected government stepped up. Why? Lack of courage? They hadn’t a real clue? They didn’t dare tell some real truths? They were ‘whip’ silenced just to tow a party line? The silence from them is still deafening – and still damning.
There are genuine people in Ireland that think elected in government office have betrayed them and further generations. When they didn’t step up, the far right did – all with too easy answers – but then for those on greater non-ability to critical think, any answers were better than none. So, far right parties suddenly gained in a bit of public support. Fine Gael and it’s enablers have further created a further scenario from which they greatly helped to grow in the first place.
There’s a saying “When a person is thirsty enough in a desert and they have no water, they could even end up drinking the sand!”
Yes, it’s an impactable saying but the wiser of you will get the point. Genuine good people have been mislead and left better uninformed – so no surprise, some lesser informed went with others that did speak up – even if those others also (open or covertly) hold further extreme views! Once the extreme parties made sure they has easy answers and ‘relate’ to them, more nationwide protests ensued. Yes, Fine Gael and enablers helped to create this scenario. Not all people at the far right organised protests are also fully possessive of far right views. They have joined a group that initially appears to support their view or joined a party that has grew their view. The hope amid greater critical thinkers, is that those that have been drawn in by extremists leaders, will soon catch on and see a greater light. …That hate and racism never creates a better country, only love and better understanding does. History here too teaches this, over and over. – for those willing to learn, for those willing or able to take time out to do so.
The wearing mask protests are over. An issue that initially invigorated the far rights in Ireland as something to use for further mass recruiting. Some day, some month, some year, if we are all still alive to see it, the Ukraine war will hopefully end one way or another. What will the extremes jump upon next, to keep hatred going towards other sections of people in our society? Time will tell. One thing is sure – and they know it too – unless they find the next issues they can exploit to sow further division and hate amid communities across a nation, they too will (hopefully) fade a way with time. We can only hope so.
I repeat again something I say regular. Extremists have consistently proved to their own people and to the world that their existence is never good for the obtaining of a long-term economic and socially progressive society. History teaches this too. History can still teach us many lessons – if we are willing to learn.
Thank you for reading.
Jeff Rudd.
P.S. This post will no doubt infuriate the extremists. Online through fake names and more, they will attempt yet again to attack myself and undermine everything stated above. My family home has previously been attacked for speaking opinion and truth. We should not cower or be forced into silence. That path leads to more evil increasing. Sadly, attack is what they do. It’s how they operate. If you have any doubts as to what I have wrote, don’t take my educated word for what’s above. Please do go further when you have the time or ability, to examine such matters for yourself. Education is a great thing. Knowledge is power. Both can and should lead to better decisions taken. Thrown in a bit of critical thinking and votes that have to be election placed, might then be better placed towards better people or at least, a person you dislike the least. Yes – that happens too and history also shows this!
Peace and love to all.