(Sunday Statement)
This week in my hometown of Drogheda, a ship arrived with 3,600 tonnes of turf, shipped 3,000 miles all the way from Latvia. To say that this is ironic considering we had a multi-generation peat industry in Ireland going back possible centuries, is to put it mildly. The Green Party leading the charge, has put their jackboots down on that traditional skilled, Irish family business.
The shipment that landed at my Drogheda port required an additional 200 trucks lined up in order to take it all away. Not exactly environmentally friendly either? All this madness has gone unreported by 99% of Irish media. Indeed, even local media in my town has decided not to inform the local public to such goings on.
What the Latvian people must think of our self-created situation, lord knows – but one thing is certain! Someone in Latvia is laughing all the way to their bank – at Irish people’s cost once again, in many ways.
While all the above was going on (and more in Ireland), Michael Martin was speaking at a UN Security Council. The topic – Climate Change. He tried to sound as if Ireland was leading the charge in trying to save the planet. His speech left out a few small details however. Hell, RTE and a lot of other biased media across Ireland, are also failing to mention them either!
He and they have failed to mention that for all the carbon taxes imposed in Ireland, none of them in cold reality have done anything to protect the environment. Zilch. It’s just one more way to screw the already heavy burdened taxpayer out of more money – and the government intends to budget up this charge alone to higher punishment levels.
Just on the topic of public finances, ordinary workers and families now pay an industrial average of 40%+ from their wages in overall tax to the state. As mentioned by Pat Flannagan, in the Irish Mirror (one of the few papers willing to tell greater truths) this rate of payment rises to 50% when USC and PRSI are also included. Add on the next wallop of Carbon Tax increase, the percentage will yet again. No environmental further benefits and not mentioned at all by Mr Martin – or indeed by any member of his corrupt, lawbreaking, crime hiding government on a UN podium, daring to lecture to others!
The still rising costs of heating in Ireland is still being dished upon an already suffering public. Overall, rising energy costs alone, have already added €500 extra to household bills.
What was also not mentioned on the UN podium and never mentioned by the current bad government in office, is their additional antics around energy conservation and environment protection back home for those they actually quietly favour. No, I’m not talking about they favouring the public of Ireland. That’s the last thing on their mind it’s suspected. I’m taking about their current continuing antics which include distracting a nation of people away from the mega corporations and what they are right now doing to Ireland – and the forthcoming further greater damage to Ireland and it’s very people. What am I talking about?
Here is some cold facts you can independently check – and find accurate.
The government is engaging in tactics to move responsibility for the production of CO2 emissions away from large corporate sectors, deliberately, to upon already more burdened shoulders of innocent people. In effect, the government is transferring the sins of the ‘big boys’ onto the public for them to pay the price for the antics of the corporations. Fact.
In the next few years, adding to the already built and under progressing planning permissions quietly (so there are less local protests and objections) awarded out, there will be over 70+ data centres alone scattered around Ireland. These data centres ALONE will be using ONE THIRD of the nation’s electricity supply. Globally, data centres consume about 2% of electricity, a figure set to reach 8% by 2030. Few countries, if any, will match Ireland’s level. Add to all this at home, the hourly humongous amounts of water, the same data centres will flow through (for coolant systems) on a seven day a week, 24 hour a day, daily basis…  The environmental factor is very blooming serious. Note: none of this is mentioned by “This week In Politics” and RTE
To quote “Rebel News” – a legitimate registered news organisation: “To demonstrate the disproportionate consumption of energy by data centres, take the example of the proposed data centre for Ennis. During hot weather, the site would use one million litres of water a day. Members of the campaign group Futureproof Clare have shown that this would account for over half of the water consumption of Ennis in a given year.
Furthermore, the centre would consume 200 megawatts, the equivalent of 210,000 homes – the number of homes in Clare, Limerick and Kerry combined. Even if the entire population reduced their energy consumption by 10%, or even more, this effort would be wiped out by the one data centre in Ennis. Practically, people all across the area would face power blackouts for extended periods of time, thus cutting off access to the internet, lighting, cooking facilities, hot water and more..”
* It’s important to remember at this juncture: The more rare a thing comes, the price of it most times rises. Water and power growing more rare or public harder to gain and maintain, can only mean one thing. History teaches us this lesson many times over.
The Chair of the Commissioner for the Regulation of Utilities, Aoife McEvilly, has gone on record as stating “Ireland is facing a possible 50% growth in demand for electricity in the next eight to night years due to pressure from data centres”.
There are many more (dozens in fact) such centres in the planning pipeline. FF, FG, Labour and the Green Party would have you thinking the rising “carbon footprint” is mostly down to the publics fault. Hell, they are even blaming our grass eating cattle. A problem that can be solved by the way, with the appropriate feed given – and Green Party heads know this.
The overall result will be that Ireland emission goals will go completely out the window – never mind decreased – while the public will pay the price in more useless carbon taxes and serious power outages. All this being allowed to happen by the usual involved government parties. The same parties that dare to lecture the public and international communities from their own double standard filled, podiums. The lower to middle class income families of Ireland will again be targeted for financial extraction, a greater proportion of their income, so they might be able to stay above freezing point at home.
Again, none of this was UN podium mentioned as Mr Martin dared to lecture others.
Speaking of finances again, the same parties that regular accuse opposition of putting out “popularism” ideas, at the next budget are already planning  to do the exact same thing. Knowing that they each individually, are facing potential vote destruction at the next local elections and later, next general election, they are espousing that there’s going to be money handed out to those on benefits and in need of a heating allowance increase (I wonder why!). Their now own populist notions incorporates just about money for all.
Sounds great news? You will media hear them sing about these plans in the next few weeks. On the other hand, what they won’t be mentioning equally with publicity, is that while they are dishing money out with one hand, the other hand will be quietly taking it – again. Yes, they quietly intend to widen tax bands which will be also linked to ever increasing inflation. What? Your local councillor or TD didn’t mention this to you in your local newspaper or radio station? Shocked, you should not be.
The Department of Revenue is screaming at them to cut back on many things including handing out money to the public. Example: Up till now Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have agreed to do this – they each agenda wanted to do this – example: the announced proposal to increase the age over time, when a person finally get to qualify for their pension. They both wanted a person to be soon over 70 before even collecting a Euro. However, because both parties now are being public poll walloped, all of a sudden their long adopted agendas of taking more money off people, has been shelved – in part – for the time being. A whiplash turn that can simply be explained as a desperate attempt to become favoured again by the voters of Ireland. The three parties in government are great at whiplashes. We will have an  open popularism budget – but remember, all will not be what it seems!
For example: Carbon taxes alone, are set to increase each year up to 2030 – starting off with the coming budget with an additional €7.50 increase this year on top of already what’s being walloped on the public! Yet another increase is coming in power and gas charges, to boot. So far, in the last year there has been at least THIRTY price hikes. Another one is on the way. Bord Gais is further imposing an increase that will see another €100 added to everyone’s (300,000 customers) gas bill and €123 to everyone’s (350,000 customers) annual electricity bill. In case you are thinking “Thank god I’m not with them”. Remember, what one company does and gets away with, the rest usually follow sooner or later in a tit for tat process – and up the prices go yet again …And again… 30 price hikes here in a year alone? It wasn’t just one company doing it!
However, as the government now tries to desperate bribe their way back into public favour on the back of 60+ scandals just since 2020, quietly in the background tax/levy increases will come without equal large announcement – if at all. No. There will be no podium announcements about all this, at all.
* Please don’t forget to thank them all at the next local and general election.
On a separate note… Currently, a number of businesses are pushing for the abandonment of the €350 PUP payment system.
They claim – with some merit to be fair – that the payments are helping to keep staff from returning to work with them. Some people are finding they have gained a slight better life being out of work rather than do a job that actually pays less.
At the start of the PUP payment system beginning and as part of the PR pitch for it, the government admitted that €350 was the weekly BARE amount that the average citizen needed to survive in today’s Ireland society.
Nowadays, they try to downplay that admission (whiplash turned on it) as they see staff being poor paid lower than that but also keep quiet about it. Just like they all keep quiet about staff that work for even the Taoiseach, get bare minimum wages too – and some even less – while their public paid boss collects Euro thousands per week.
As rent prices continue to rocket and the deliberate agenda of FF, FG and Greens, is to ignore many cases of this happening, the deliberate agenda of FF/FG/Greens is absolutely not to make any further laws that interfere with vultures continuing to snap up large amounts of apartments. Homes, yes – Apartments? No. They again get elite special, hands-off treatment!
The high prices of rents in many cities and towns had been a serious struggle for those barely scaping by on wages lower than the actual PUP payment. So when they found themselves on the scheme – remember, the gov’ said at the time, was the minimum necessary to survive – they discovered that they could get by just a little bit better than before. The money was very basic – but it gave them slight relief in that they could actually start to have financial room to manoeuvre – even if it was somewhat miniscule in difference.
Now, they are being asked – pressured – to go back to a lower rate of financial gain while food, heating, electricity and rents continue to rise yearly at a minimum average 7%+ rate. Honestly, would you be in a rush to return to a lower and harder status of financial strife? Especially after you have seen there are other possibilities where you might actually start to have a life beyond debt worry from day to day? Todays form of slavery, is to keep a person in debt? That way they are always struggling and will have no time or energy to actually protest. They will be come lethargic and complacent. Sound and look familiar? Well known, political practised tactics the world over. No. RTE won’t mention this too.
Again, to be fair, some places of work cannot afford to pay more. They are struggling themselves from the effects of Covid and government imposed lockdown. There are however, places that do make serious money as soon as they reopen their doors. These places are in part, able to do this because they are paying crap wages and keep the vast profitable revenues collected, for their own pockets. Just look at the public house owner that was caught on Twitter, now infamous video singing the praises of a government scheme that allowed him to further rake in massive personal profits or the Dublin eatery that recently decided to again treat people like crap by giving to them what they are owed, via a bucket of coins…
While many struggle to get by amid increasing rents they are suffering through living in a box apartment or sharing with others, more people are struggling just to even find a place. Sure, they would love to even apply for jobs that business owners are advertising – but those seeking work also cannot find accommodation to put themselves into should they even get a job they want to apply for. The result of all this, is that unemployed people cannot afford to even apply for work – as they cannot get a place to live, to come and go to and from work. Seeing the bigger picture?
* We have work places desperate to find workers.
* We have people desperate to become workers.
* We have places that are actually paying LESS than the minimum, government stated, need to get by each week.
* We have no actual affordable places beyond rip-offs and boxrooms no larger than jail cells.
* The government is still allowing vultures to swoop in and buy up all the apartments possible – who then charge daft weekly/monthly rates.
I could go on – others have – LINK –  including decade knowledgeable professors from our universities – but I think you are starting to get another part of a hidden/censored picture here. Places that are desperate to find workers, are in part not able to do so because we have a mega housing crises that once again our government (the usual parties) has been exposed as complete, utter decade failures and/or looking after ‘special interests’ yet again – but you’re suppose to swallow they have your interests at heart. “Their actions speak louder than (their) words”.
However, to be fair to our government. They are not complete utter failures in some things. For example, last year the FF/FG/Green Party government managed to quietly gain success in nullifying Apple’s Irish tax bill of €13 BILLION last year. This was while the population was – and will for years to come – be suffering the economic financial strain of the Covid-19 situation. €13 BILLION Euro – and that’s only ONE year and ONE company. #RTEcensored too, of course.
The government also succeeded in giving to an EU section, the latest dollop of public money that makes up the now yearly €3.5 BILLION Euro we give toward the “PESCO” (EU army in reality) setup that’s now buying up everything from French/German fighter planes, to assault guns, missiles and rockets, etc. What was that again, that FF and FG said about Irish neutrality being preserved? All #RTEcensored too, of course
Speaking of numbers, the government and even RTE… Did they mention the number 55 at any stage recently? The tuned-in people of Ireland will know about the thousands of deliberate hung-up calls that came about care of Garda that just didn’t wish to answer calls for help. You would think that since all that was exposed, such actions would totally come to an end? No.
Just last week another 55 emergency calls were reportedly hung-up on. Will anyone be arrested or held to proper account, sacked, lowered in rank even for such disgusting actions that could have put many lives at risk, never mind other financial loss as Garda then failed to respond in time or at all? Don’t hold your breath that this government or those it orders around to do it’s bidding, will ever be truly held to account as long as they are in power. #RTEcensored too, of course.
Don’t think so? Just ask the Green Party themselves how they are dealing with the mega data centre building fiasco that’s still increasing. They don’t want to know – but if pushed, at best will give you a nice soundbite before quickly disappearing into the night praying to god nobody further asks them how Ireland supposed biggest environmental party is making a compete balls-up of this matter! They don’t want to know. They are running for cover, left, right and centre.
They want to keep their public well paid seats in office – so they are not going to rock that boat – or indeed the CETA one they have also mega whiplash u-turned on. All because they – a lucky elite few – gained the ability to get government mega wages again. Of course, they will deny this – but then their actions (or lack of them and words, in a lot cases, exposes them clearer and louder?
Again, to quote Rebel News: There are little to no official planning regulations for data centres in Ireland. Currently, the development of these centres is done on a county council level and approved by An Bord Pleanála. In these approvals, very little consideration is given to climate concerns. As reported by Ian Lumley, Built Environment and Heritage Officer for An Taisce, “If you look at the environmental impact statement undertaken by John Spain Associates for a new Amazon data centre development near Swords, the only climate impact addressed is the truck movements for the construction phase”.
What’s the word from the Green Party?  More often than not, ghostly, deathly silences. However, they are not on their own. The other two legs of a bad government, are deliberately saying little or nothing about the bigger facts out there and it’s all being whitewashed by RTE in it’s broadcast reports for 6 and 9 news. In other words, for our elected and Ireland biased media, it’s just another ordinary day. Now standard operation. Think it don’t affect you at local level? When was the last time you really read a hard hitting political piece in any of your local papers, beyond one councillor lashing out at another! Telling greater truths about parties, criticising and exposing their antics not something they do. Can’t be losing that money they gain from the state in regular ad revenue. Don’t get me started on the next attempt to bribe journalists, using public money, disguised as ‘a process to improve journalism’. A statement of irony, if there ever was one!
No, Michael Martin is not going to mention any of this while he stands on podiums while speaking a double standard language. Other governments listening to him speak, will have done their own research and will majority know of his double standards – so they will dismiss him. They know he’s playing “the game of politics”. They know he’s really trying to re-sell himself to his public back in Ireland, trying to sound eco’ progressive and powerful. They know this because they do it too, given the opportunity at podium time. Meanwhile, back home, the data centres and more continue to grow at a massive rate. Shush RTE. Don’t forget not to mention this!
The government madness rolls on… It’s just another day. Go back to sleep. Your traditional acting government thanks you.
P.S. Don’t forget to pay your TV licence! RTE heads setting themselves up as “Agencies” (#RTEcensored) so they can duck paying their more appropriate taxes on their mega wages, needs more  money to be extracted from you one way or (soon) another. However, that’s another tale for another day…