
In the last few days we have seen thugs being thugs on our Dublin streets. They have been identified as in attendance of a right-wing party meeting that day and later on, they, along with extremist ideology holding party officials, were identified causing further trouble. The thugs were shouting “Ireland for the Irish” amid other stuff and insults. There was, in fact, also a small group of others who has been deliberately misled by extremist parties that refuse to accept facts that can be independently verified. There are some of those facts.
The actual genetic makeup of the “Irish” people is complex and in truth, reflects the history of migration and mixing of different populations over thousands of years. The modern Irish population is descended from a variety of different ancestral groups, including prehistoric populations that inhabited the region, as well as later migrations from other parts of Europe. This is something that I have specific detailed before today. Studies of Irish genetics have found that Ireland’s population has a mixture of different ancestral components, with the most significant contributions coming from populations in the British Isles, mainland Europe, and the Nordic region.

* For example, a study published in the journal PLOS Genetics in 2015 analysed the genomes of over 5,000 people from Ireland and found that the population has a combination of different ancestral components, including:
(a) A significant contribution from people who migrated from the British Isles during the Neolithic period (around 4,000-2,500 BCE)
(b) A more recent contribution from people who migrated from the Nordic region during the Viking era (around 800-1,200 CE)
(c) A smaller contribution from other populations in mainland Europe, such as the Basques and the Spanish.

The truth is that there is NO PURE Irish. Most of us class ourselves as “Irish” people because of the place we live in, the societal traditions and skills handed down, out attitudes to many things and much more.
The genetic ancestry of Ireland people vary significantly depending on their individual heritage and family history, and that genetic ancestry is just one aspect of a person’s identity. The Irish people are a diverse and multifaceted population, with a rich cultural heritage that reflects the contributions of many different groups over time.
In short, anyone telling you there is a “Pure Irish Man” or that they seek only have the island populated by same, tell them to go by an Irish lottery ticket. Their chances are far better there in gaining at least something!

Crazed Hitler tried on similar crap. He and his fellow nutcases sought and wanted an only pure Aryan race. THERE NEVER WAS ONE TO BEGIN WITH. It is totally not accurate to describe the German people as having had their own specific genetic makeup. Germany was then in the Hitlers time – and still is – is a diverse country with a complex history. Its own people have been shaped by various genetic and cultural influences over time.
However – right-wing fanatics in Europe hate this – it is actually possible to discuss and verify the genetic ancestry of modern-day Germans. Studies have shown that Germans, like many European populations, are genetically diverse and have a mixture of different ancestral components. For example, a study published in the journal Nature Communications in 2018 analysed the genomes of over 2,700 people from across Germany and found that modern Germans have a combination of European, Near Eastern, and North African genetic ancestry. Again, like Ireland, this reflects the complex history of migration and intermixing that has shaped the genetic makeup of Europe over time.
Then we have America…


The genetic makeup of the American people is equally complex and diverse, reflecting the more histories of immigration and mixing of different populations over time. Due to the diverse ancestry of Americans, there is no single genetic profile that can be used to describe the entire population.
THERE ARE NO PURE AMERICANS – OF ANY SINGLE COLOUR. There might have been something before the Vikings arrived on American shores (way before Columbus), to some degree – but even then, there was no great “Master white” race there.
In fact, studies have found that the genetic ancestry of Americans is largely influenced by European, African, and Native American populations. For example, a study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics in 2014 analysed the genomes of over 30,000 Americans from different regions of the country and found that the majority of their ancestry was from European populations (over 70%), followed by African (about 14%) and Native American (about 4%) ancestry.
Now, here’s where it really gets interesting – and still factual.
There was no master white race ever. The racists of the world say there was but they don’t want to hear the truth – just like they don’t want to accept that – in fact – the origins of humans we see ourselves today, stems from locations around Africa. The first humans actually emerged in Africa around two million years ago, long before the modern humans known as Homosapiens appeared on the same continent.
They weren’t then “pure white” or frankly, anything resembling it. So, the “Master Race” that past Hitler sought, that crackpot Americans seek today (as if they actually ‘made the world’, taking fake credit for a lot) and they racist seek a pure white America, and other crackpots closer to home that seek only a pure Irish man…
…Well, they better not hold their breath in thinking they will ever get one. If anyone wants to even try “Reclaim America”, the Native Americans should be way top of the list to be allowed to do so! However, they don’t. They have more decency than a bunch of cowardly face hiding fanatics, going around boot stomping right now in the USA. In fact, it’s to other foreign states, continents and people of a different skin colour, we need to look for the genuine reason why so many great things now exist in our world.
Example? The Arabian, Egyptian, and Mediterranean ancient peoples of the world, were the ones made significant contributions to the world, long in the past before “white man” was even seen to exist. Some of the advanced fields our foreign friends introduced us to included:

Mathematics and Astronomy: The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians made significant contributions to the development of mathematics and astronomy, which later influenced the work of Greek scholars. For example, the ancient Egyptians developed a system of hieroglyphic numerals and used geometry to construct the pyramids.
Literature and Philosophy: The ancient Greeks produced a wealth of literature and philosophy that has had a lasting impact on Western culture. The works of philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and poets such as Homer and Hesiod, continue to be studied and celebrated today.
Architecture: The ancient Egyptians and Greeks are known for their impressive architectural feats, such as the pyramids and the Parthenon. These structures demonstrate their advanced knowledge of engineering and design, and have inspired architects and builders for centuries.
Science and Medicine: The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to science and medicine, with scholars such as Hippocrates and Galen developing the foundations of modern medicine. Their ideas on anatomy, disease, and the human body have continued to inform medical practices to this day.
Trade and Commerce: The ancient Mediterranean was a hub of trade and commerce, with merchants and traders from across the region exchanging goods and ideas. This facilitated the spread of culture and knowledge, and helped to establish the foundations of modern global trade networks.

The point is, that for one bunch of fanatics to seek a “master race” of pure something, is (a) a futile effort and (b) utter stupidity.
Overall, the contributions of the Arabian, Egyptian, and Mediterranean ancient peoples have had a lasting impact on the world, and their legacies continue to be felt in various fields to this day. All long before any lighter skin humans later came along and (absolutely fair play to them, credit where due), also then contributed to the efforts of others from locations that had people of a different skin colour. Need more detail? Here’s a simple sampling: https://shorturl.at/blvO1Discover where the first actual universities were founded!
I’m tired of hearing the shouts of “Ireland for the Irish”. It’s cock and bull. While there is now an island (that was once land joined to the UK a millennia ago) that we call “Ireland” – and we can be rightly proud to say we are from Ireland given our own achievements and made place in the world, there has never, in any history, an “Ireland for the Irish”.
That pure race just simply didn’t exist. It never will. Anyone thinking so, is as thick as two planks nailed together. Those of us that don’t have our heads not stuck somewhere, that are not willing to listen to the crap of others and their thug forces they fire up to do their bidding (then deny any connection to them – but photo evidence is out there), are completely talking crap. Why? …Because genuine, verifiable, fact-based education is a wonderful thing – and knowledge is power.
Don’t ever give it up to thugs and don’t let them steal it.
P.S. Yes, I’m aware I’ll be targeted again online for stating such stuff as above. The haters do it across Irish forums where they scramble for tit-bits like a pack of dogs, leading sad lives. When they can’t find bits, they make up their own stuff. Haters like to hate and they certainly don’t like stuff that can be independently verified. Despite the hate and more they throw, we should never be made to remain silent. Peace and love.