It’s very obvious that the DUP in Northern Ireland are to remain stupid, undemocratic, continue to bully by intimidation and ultimately, shoot themselves in their own foot.
If they don’t power-share by 12.01am tonight, Northern Ireland faces a wasteful €6 million election there. Rather than meeting around a table or in a room, the DUP have so far decided to remain outside, wasteful shouting into microphones and on streets.
Meanwhile, they leave the Northern Ireland people completely screwed as citizens try to economic cope without Stormont introduced funding and emergency household bill assistance. The DUP are holding the Northern Ireland people to ransom just so they can get their outside bullying way!
They ironically say they want more power abilities but by their very undemocratic actions, are in own stupidity, helping to bring about the exact opposite.
It’s in the Good Friday agreement that if the situation they will create at midnight actually occurs, they then allow the Dublin centered government further power in having a say in running things up North. Yes, an exact opposite to what they claim they seek.
The Irish-British intergovernmental conference kicks in, giving Ireland’s government more direct input on the running of things up North. By staying outside of Stormont, shouting at the wind, the DUP are further screwing the very people they claim to represent.
“Normal Processes” are not being allowed to occur while the DUP uses its own people as a weapon to bully others. At midnight, after six months of undemocratic intransigence, the DUP will bring about a number of situations that further delays help needed to suffering Northern Ireland citizens, including their own children.
At the next election now expected to be called after today, the people in the North must vote better by voting for others who are more willing to talk in rooms rather than for those outside, screwing them over. Time for Northern Ireland to choose better next time around. …If only for their own gain!