RE: Ukraine War.
There are a number of misconceptions people have regarding the current Europe crises. A number of these are being deliberate created or sustained by people who have their own Putin loving view or just refuse to accept there is a wider picture.
ONE. Supporting the Ukraine, is a vote of support for the president and his party.
(a) In fact, Western people have issues with the democratic president or his party while they still support Ukraine.
(b) Like Ireland and other Western states, Ukraine has it’s own internal extremists, some who are attached to political parties involved in the states adopted 30 year old democratic process. It’s through this democratic process that they will be challenged and hopefully peaceful vote beaten.
TWO: Those hating Putin and his autocrat enablers/sycophants, are also against the Russian people too.
This is just pure rubbish. In fact;
(a) The Russian people are being seriously mislead by their government and very controlled media. Yes, if that methodology sounds familiar to some, Western governments do indeed have their own version of same too. Due to their only allowed media output
(b) Many Irish people know that the youth of the Russian army have signed up to it in order to gain a promised state apartment as part of their enrolment bonus.
(c) Many Irish people know that the youth of the Russian have been told their were going on a “military exercise” and that wherever they would go, they would be “met with people holding flowers”, I kid you not.
(d) Many Irish people know that Russian people who have been using I.T. proxy methods and speaking to outside state others, learning more of what’s going on, in turn do not support Putin and his antics. They have further in greater knowledge, gone out and protested knowing 100% that they will be arrested along with the then later further ramifications. Now, that takes guts!
(e) Many Irish people knowing the above, in turn support the Russian people and their equal desire to see an end to the current terrible war crimes still being committed.
THREE: Supporting the Ukraine means supporting Ireland should be more involved in Western military organisations.
Again, pure rubbish. Supporting Ukraine for a lot of people means aiding them in their heat/food/etc suffering and family/property losses. We have FF/FG sick elected trying again to undemocratic shove Ireland into further military setups – a self-adopted party agenda, one not put to even it’s own members for a vote – and are using the current Ukraine situation to try persuade Ireland people to not dispute any proposals to enter further military setups!
In fact, the people of Ireland – like what has happened with PESCO – will not even be allowed (like lower ranked inner party members) a referendum, seeking their permission, for Ireland to enter such setups. Like what was done with PESCO, if FF/FG can again undemocratic get away with it, the Irish state will likely be tried shoved into NATO or similar in the future. True democracy and permission gained, be damned!
FOUR: Supporting the efforts of Ukraine freedom fighters automatic means supporting the Ukraine party in government.
Wrong. a democratic state – with it’s own ‘warts and all’ (like other western states that have their own same), is under attack by a small elite of autocrats who are using invented or small excuses, to over-reach and create an almighty war. This war, is a war on a democratic process – yes, one with it’s own faults.
(a) Many people in Ireland support Ukraine as a state, because they support the principle of democracy and are now seeing that principle being attacked.
(b) Many people in Ireland support Ukraine as a state because they support the notion that a country should be ruled by it’s own people. You know what? Just like our own Ireland dead have believed and principle fought/died for, right up to 1921.
In short,
(a) I support Ukraine in order to defend a states right to self-determination and a people’s right to self-rule.
(b) No amount of excuses should be used by autocrats or other corrupt elected anywhere else, to interfere with any democratic process.
The current Ukraine situation is ultimately about trying to keep alive a fairer “self-determination” process at core. No war mongering state, no dictator state, no autocratic state should be allowed to kill our right to democracy as a chosen way of life.


Jeff Rudd.
Founder of UnitedPeople.