Easy offended? Move on. Stay brainwashed.
When are people that are FF/FG brainwashed, going to get it into their heads that the two consistent rotten parties DO…NOT… DO… ACCOUNTABILITY… They don’t. End of story.
Since the foundation of the state and FF/FG begun their merry dance of chair swapping in the Dail, neither party wants to hold the other to full true account. There are later coalitions need to be created – so they each must only go so far! They ‘pull their punches’. They aid cover-ups and bury reports. They each can’t be too upsetting their possible future partners in crime too much. They will be needed later – if only together once again, to stop mass number opposition from getting in and then starting REAL INVESTIGATIONS!!!!
Some members in either of their parties have had the balls to try and find some accountability – but they were quick shot down at local cumman levels by others wanting to climb political ladders for greed, ego, perks and pensions.
Any decent people in FF or FG – yes, they do actually exist – are up against a tide of cronyism, nepotism, parochial political antics and evil people that still exist to this very day within political groups in towns and farming communities across Ireland. If they still stay with FF and FG, they can expect to be judged in same light as those they foolishly stand by and even protect.
Top rank in FF and FG have one ultimate aim. Protect the party and it’s elite at all cost. Close ranks and stomp on those trying to hold party or people to account. It’s party before people and country. Anyone that thinks different, is deliberate blinkered or just plain stupid.
What we get with FF and FG – and we all bloody know this – is a consistent pattern of farce inquiries instead of real independent Garda investigations! What we get from FF/FG is deliberate limited scope inquiries/tribunals where the remits of those even daring to look into matters, are deliberately hampered from the very start!
A limit is put on areas that can be delved into. A limit is put on questions that can be asked. A limit is put on the deliberate selected people that chairs these farce whitewash setups, regarding their legal powers of holding individuals to account.
Hell, the last few state inquiries have had their guidelines deliberately formed so that not one person could even be bloody named for their antics, criminal acts, complete incompetency and utter balls up in running things. Just look at the Donegal council corruption report that is still FF/FG deliberate buried as a simple example.
The last thing FF and FG want, is a real Garda investigation – but lets be more honest here. Even if there was one, the ‘fix’ is in from the very top. Their British spy that they hired to take over the running of our Garda department, will do their bidding? He will and it’s suspected, already might have done their bidding – including seeing that Leo Varadkar himself gets away from being held to criminal account for various activities?
The fix was in with SIPO who now have officially announced that we have an unaccountable Taoiseach. This is just more feckin’ craziness.
Who in christ’s name hires a person who just previously, actively operated AGAINST the Irish state as he sought to keep information secret from victims families, about Norther Ireland UK army and paramilitary illegal killings going on? Who hires such a person? Fianna Fail and Fine Gael – and that says it all. That’s how evil twisted they are. It’s right there to be seen, starting us all in the face. Slapping us all in the face – and we just roll over accepting it. Absolute madness! Insanity.
There’s not a bloody chance of real accountability going to occur in Ireland as long as Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are allowed to continue creating their limited scope, limited questioning, whitewash inquiries and tribunals. Not a bloody chance! We all know this.
This then begs a question from many – and many have indeed asked it: “Why are they bothering to still create their pissing useless, no will be held to actual account, inquiries/tribunals?”
The answer is simple. History must be official whitewashed yet again if they are to stand any chance of getting back into power sooner or later.
So, at best, the only thing ridiculously biased media will report, will the the “official version” of matters. Matters that will be sanitised of details, feck all accountability and even less named people held to account. It’s one big massive PR con job where the only winners will the teams of legal firms sucking the state tit dry of every Euro and cent it can squeeze out.
…And we all know this!
…And knowing all this, stupid people with their heads still stuck up their backsides, will still vote for the usual rotten parties at their local level. What sort of sheer bloody stupidity is this! It’s simply mutton-headed vote stupidity.
How in christ’s name can anything really change if we keep stupid voting back the same shower of political corrupt and those that stand by them at local level? It can’t – and until more of us get our own heads out of our own arses, you, me, our children once again will be left to suffer in ever increasing ways. This includes an already FF and FG created new youth exodus.
Their bullshit has got to stop. If we hear “There are lessons to be learned” (or a variation of same) one more time from the usual PR spinning bullshit artists, I will throw-up!
The next local elections (2024) and general election (2025) cannot come quick enough for many.
P.S. The Green Party entered government on the promise that they would hold the other two parties to account. That turned out to be a complete load of utter bollox! They have been pissing useless in this regard alone – but even worse, have now not only helped to cover up criminality and incompetency – but have also joined in with their evil antics.
Enough is enough. Wake up Ireland, if only for our children! Don’t say that you give a crap – then later vote for the same rotten shower yet again! It’s hypocrisy in action.
Show you care and want real change by voting differently next time.