I will be the first one to admit, I don’t understand everything. ‘Off the top of my head’ – there are two things I don’t get.
1. Why do some people/media stick with the term “joy-riders” when they are in fact vehicle criminals and with their crazy driving, a serious risk to the public? We must stop calling all this as any form of “joy”. It’s vehicular criminality. End of story. Punish the guilty hard! Not near holiday camp them.
2. Why, when sports people and referees get physical assaulted on a field, 99% of the time the guilty get away without being charged with breaking assault law? When did our sports fields of Ireland become neutral zones where open, deliberately made assaults are able to be carried out and then got away with? A lot of it is captured on TV too. Usable evidence! Still, no charges. At best, a slap on the hand by sporting bodies. Some deterrent – especially when our children are looking on! What lessons are they then learning?
…I admit it. There’s some things I don’t get.