When the latest scandal explosion about RTE and money antics within it blew up, for a number of days before, there had been a lot of controversy about another scam that was being played on the public of Ireland. Suddenly the FF/FG scam was forgotten about as a nations attention was overnight completely shifted away from yet another fracas that the two parties were up to their necks in.
When Fianna Fail and Fine Gael announced that they were creating a “Security forum”, there was immediate suspicions as regards the whole thing. It’s been known for a long time that the two parties have been try and succeeding to good extent, in getting Ireland sucked into more and more setups and groups that are part and parcel of NATO. Between the two party leaders, they have managed to sign Ireland up to three connected setups that are directly linked to the main cause of national concern.
Why was the forum further created? Two reasons.
The long-term agenda of the two parties is to find a ‘workaround‘ the current “Triple-Lock” that is Irish constitution and Treaty of Lisbon linked. To be additionally specific: the Defense (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1960 and the Defense (Amendment) Act 2006, as amended.
The two parties ABSOUTELY DO NOT want to give the Irish public a referendum on this matter – as they know they face near certain defeat. so, instead, they are trying to (a) come up with a workaround and (b) in creating their workaround, come up with a further justification for their actions. One justification will be created in the form of a “Security Forum end report” that will be created to try justify their undemocratic, possibly illegal and unconstitutional antics.
Originally in March 2023, Michael Martin announced that the government was going to create a Citizens Assembly in order to address the Triple-lock agenda they sought. However, upon further research and opinions gathered from citizens of Ireland, it was discovered that a Citizens Assembly was NOT the way to go – as this would also likely send their underhand Triple-lock agenda packing.
As quick as the Citizens Assembly was announced, the Citizens Assembly was dropped by Michael Martin and Leo Varadkar as if they were suddenly holding a hot stone in their hands. There went the democratic Citizens Assembly – to the bin.
The shysters’ then decided to create a “Security Forum“. In short, they then packed this forum to the brim with people that thought along the same lines as themselves. In order to PR make it look like it would an unbiased forum, as you will read further, they threw in a few opposite thinkers to those in bulk, at the forum wanted to break the Triple-Lock. As The Phoenix magazine stated “deception and Orwellian rhetoric” was dosed out by Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.
Tánaiste Micheál Martin said the “entire purpose” of the consultative forum was to “generate debate” – but how can fair debate be honest created when a setup from the start is clearly (to non-blind and non-deliberate blinkered) stacked in favour of one direction, one agenda only? One brave senator willing to speak up, Lisa Chambers, pointed out that only 2 panels out of 18 are in favour of Neutrality views. Not exactly a fifty/fifty balanced debate? Her voice and the alarm she raised, was completely ignored by RTE, other media and yes, the government parties.
One person that didn’t ignore what was going on, was the President of Ireland. As soon as he rang alarm bells, he was attacked by journalist, the crackpots of the internet that just also happened to be FF/FG cult fans, by other very bitter, repeat vile commenting Senators who, like others, said he had no right to speak on the matter, and the president was attacked by Sunday newspaper column writers who equally tried to shut down his right to speak, espousing with their non-expert, non-qualification on the matter that they knew better than the President.
Regarding his right to speak, there comes three justifications.
1. Under the Irish constitution, every citizen, regardless of status, has a right to freedom of expression. This is the right to freely express your convictions and opinions.
2. Under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act, to which Ireland is a signatory: regarding “Freedom of expression” – everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. Note, in particular, the word “impart” and the last nine words of the previous sentence.
Therefore, we can only conclude that ANY POSITION HELD that undermines these basic of rights, is a position (or even TD elected person) that rests upon unconstitutional grounds, by imposed expression restrictions.
* Mr Higgins right to speak is protected by our very constitution and the International Charter of Human Rights.
* President Higgins right to speak is protected by our very constitution and the International Charter of Human Rights.
. 3. One of the roles of the President of Ireland, is to oversee the national constitution. His role is to protect it from abuse, exploitation, attempted illegal antics and if possible, enhance it further to the betterment of all. A stacked debate forum that is working toward a FF/FG undermining agenda, to try justify a ‘workaround‘ that is likely unconstitutional, is certainly within the remit of any Ireland president to speak about, and further raise questions or alarm about. For anyone to say he has no right to speak about the matter while in the office he holds – or it’s not his right to speak as a fellow citizen, is conveniently twisting basic rights and ignoring others based in law that our state has on it’s books along with a signed international Human Rights Charter.
Who exactly was on this more one-sided stacked forum? Let’s mention a few names.
The opening speak on the forum’s very first panel, was no other than Renata Dwan. This person is deputy director of Chatham House, otherwise known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The president of this setup is Eliza Buller – who just happens to also be former director general of UK’s MI5 secret service. Who else works alongside Renata Dwan at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, pursuing their same agenda? …The former chief of MI6, John Sawers. Another there? One “Lord” Robertson, who just happens to be a former secretary general of an organisation called NATO. Have you ever heard of it? So, all these people and more are working alongside Renata Dwan to chase an agenda – then Renata Dwan is sent to Ireland for a forum debate. What way do you think she was biased on NATO and Ireland neutrality? Silly question?
…Then we have Brigid Laffan. A militarist and academic who constantly voice calling for the end of Irish neutrality, our Triple-Lock and is on record as stating Ireland should “take full part in the further development of the EU’s security capacity.
There’s Neil Melvin – director, international security at the Royal United Services Institute. Their mission? UK defense, security and international affairs. How to improve the safety of the UK and that of their partners in NATO and the European Union. Alongside him at his job office, is vice-admiral Patrick Chevallereau, an ex-military attaché who has held numerous jobs at what? You guessed it… NATO.
There’s Andrew Cottey – a person who has been a NATO research fellow and a research associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Next up, there was Acting Deputy Director Patricia Lewis of Chatham House, Yes, the same one that is NATO connected.
Then there is Richard Browne. He’s head of the National Cyber security Centre – something that’s also directedly connected to two NATO bodies.
Starting to notice a trend yet? We are not finished…
There was Caitríona Heinl. She works for the Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy. her connections to UK military bodies and people are lengthy. You can gain a hint about how she sees things by simply reading one of her works. The title of one? “Is Neutrality An Option Any More?” What way do you think she sways towards NATO and loss of Triple-Lock?
Then we have Brigadier Sean White. Director of Communications and Cyber Defence of the European Union Military Staff. Something that is under pinned by the EU Common Security and Defence Policy that is what? NATO looking in direction. don’t act surprised!
There was Ed Burke – who has lectured for a time at the RAF College in Lincolnshire (UK), at RUSI and Chatham House (what is again, linked to NATO).
I could list much more – but you get the gist. There was opposition speaker that showed up. However, they were in a clear minority and when some of the even attempted to speak – like MEP Clare Daly (who had to sit in the audience as she was not allowed as part of any panel, and she was joined there by former MEP Patrica McKenna, who also wanted to speak – they were totally ignored by those controlling the panels. Questions were allowed for men but the two women were blanked after being told they could put their questions to speaks – but were then told after the men had spoken, “Time is up“. The women were not allowed to speak.
The bias was so obvious with the stacking of the forum that even the Irish Independent ran an article stating “Gardí removing protesters from one-sided conference was a bad look for government“. Yes, even Irish Independent journalist and columnists could see what the hell was going on – and that says something to the non-blinkered.
Speaking of media, TV shows (besides RTE news leaving out a load of other facts and reality) even went on a censorship act. Names of people involved with the forum were not allowed to be even mentioned on TV. For example, see the Saturday View 1/7/23. When opposition elected tried repeatedly to name speakers and report creators, they were repeatedly told they couldn’t. Yes, this is how crazy things have got in Ireland. The end report creator, the Chairperson of the Consultative Forum on Defence and Security, the very person who will write the end report, making recommendations to the government, was also not allowed to be named. Who selected Dame Louise Richardson to write the end report that a FF/FG government wants? Only Michael Martin. Impartiality? We wonder why he picker her? Well, go look up her views on NATO and neutrality, is all I can say!
. In case you are wonder what this report will in time say? It will be a lot of filler, but at it’s core, it will be an invented, tried-on justification for the government to later undermine, possibly illegally and unconstitutionally without any public referendum allowed – screw around with Ireland’s long established Triple-Lock through actual undemocratic actions about to be embarked by them. Can the end report be taken an what the public actually want? No. There was no vote allowed even at the stacked forum. The Citizens Assembly was scrapped on the matter (no official reason given – but we all know the core reason) and there will be no referendum allowed by Fianna Fail, The Green Party and Fine Gael. So much for true democracy?
The government will be able to say “Look, this report says what we should do! We are therefore right to do so”.
Thank you to The Phoenix magazine for continuously reporting on this very matter.
I recommend that more people buy it if they want to know what’s greater going on! LINK