In previous posts (Part one and two of “while you were sleeping” LINK – LINK) I detailed about antics going on that you were meant to be distracted about – and most of you were. One of those topics mentioned, was in regard to NATO and Irish government antics.
Short version. FF/FG/Greens are backdoor ramming Ireland into NATO groups under various policies, treaties, associated groups and even possible unconstitutional antics.
A just ended, previous forum that was government setup. was stacked in vast majority by people who advocate that Ireland should be connected to NATO. Even the Irish Independent – who usually kisses FF/FG backside – ran an item (along with many others) exposing how the forum was one way stacked. The purpose of this forum was to supposedly have a discussion regarding NATO and Ireland being a part of it (or not). Mr Martin had previously announced a “Citizens Assembly” to have such a discussion – but when it became very obvious that such a discussion would not go in a favoured direction that the government parties wanted, they scrapped that whole idea quietly. They then created a more stacked, more undemocratic forum. One designed to future give them what they really seek!
What media and certainly the government parties were not telling you and are still not telling you, is that the forum for them, is also a rubber-stamping exercise. Some time later, there will be a report produced by the stacked forum members advocating that Ireland should do away with it’s constitutional enshrined (section 49) connection to the “Triple-lock” that exists – also written into the Lisbon Treaty (how FF/FG/Greens intend to break that treaty, remains to be seen). I should correct myself. They do not officially intend to do away with what’s in the constitution and Lisbon treaty. They are however, desperately looking for a ‘work-around’, One that involves giving the people of Ireland NO DEMOCRATIC OPPERTUNITY by vote, to decide how their country is managed or future further rammed into war situations and/or war based organisations.
The just ended forum is further step towards those undemocratic antics to come. The end report of the stacked forum will try give credibility to what FF/FG/Greens will attempt to try next. Bypass the Irish constitution and more. An attempt to bypass the peoples democratic right to vote on such matters of serious, long term consequence. They are aided and betted by RTE and other national media in regard to the NATO antics. Such media constantly DO NOT report the full facts on related matters – and in fact, often leave out massive big important chunks of information from the public. The vast majority of national media outlets deliberate under-report or not report important relevant facts.
What follows is a sample of what you are NOT being told and were never mean to learn about.
During the previous stacked forum, when some of the NATO favouring people vastly outnumbered a single opposition person on stage (put there as a token effort to try claim “balance”), another person in the room, looking on, managed to speak up. The person was Tom Crilly, of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (Pana). What follows are his exact words…
QUOTE: The triple-lock mechanism plays an important role in Irish neutrality as government ministers repeat the narrative that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has changed everything. We have a new dictator, a new enemy, our policies must change. We cannot let Russia with their position on the UN Security Council dictate our foreign policy as to where we send Irish troops.
Following research by Pana we found there is not a single instance of Russia or the USSR vetoing an Irish peace-keeping mission of the United Nations. Over the last number of years, 95% of resolutions at the United Nations Security Council have been passed and a permanent member has exercised a veto in only 5% of cases.” END QUOTE.
In greater truth (only reported by The Phoenix magazine – LINK) is the recorded fact – the only example ever cited by any Ireland government, is one in February 1999 – nearly 25 years ago — when China vetoed a mission to Macedonia because the latter had established diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The above facts that can be independently checked and verified – along with Tom Crilly’s accurate statement – has been COMPLETELY #censored by RTE and other national media outlets in vast bulk. Like myself at many times, Mr Crilly and his words too, remain deliberate ignored, vastly unreported and important facts that help people (voters) make better decisions, are yet again kept from said public (voters).
At the root of this major censorship problem, are the usual culprits. Yes – Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Green Party. However, these facts too, go yet again unreported. What’s new! It’s #HowIrelandWorks. It’s #TimeForBetter.
