(Greater democracy and ability to hold elected more accountable all year, every year, create better laws and more)
Let’s see…
* Hospitals in decades of continuing crises,
* government corruption, pressganging and unaccountability continues,
* divide between rich and poor grows,
* more in fuel poverty,
* increasing numbers going seriously hungry,
* TDs get 6K pay hikes,
* power and gas bills rocketing,
* mortgages rising,
* home oil prices racing, no government intervention,
* government departments still data stealing and illegal transferring,
* privitisation agenda continues,
* devious attempts to get us into #NATO goes on,
* the government that open admits €350 p/w is the BARE MINIMUM needed to survive, keeping state pensioned on far less,
* a landlord government still allowing landlords/vultures to swoop in and mass grab apartments,
* local small businesses hit with power/light and staff problems – besides heavy local rates for which they get little/nothing in return,
* schools can’t get teachers due to lack of homes,
* fishing and peat industry being government destroyed,
* banks trying to abandon customers,
* rural communities devastated,
* a right-wing party ignoring its own law breakers while calling a left-wing part as an extreme right one,
* three government parties each ignoring the others crimes and individual corrupt,
* increasing homeless deaths,
* state reports buried, lied in or delayed,
* corruption investigations called off,
* abuse investigations called off,
* SIPO and other corruption investigation bodies deliberate left powerless and investigation range of remit, limited,
* a long existing #JobPath national scandal buried,
* people’s rights being quiet undermined,
* RTE and other media censorship continues,
* opposition spokespeople more ignored in favour of EU ass-kissing party people,
* #ripoffireland screaming,
* food kitchens overwhelmed,
* nursing homes closing,
* nurses leaving along with other professionals, students deferring studies due to lack of a bed,
* far forigne fish flown in for exclusive Oireachtas restaurants (stuff the carbon count – Green party silent),
* a sexual assaulter rewarded with a political high paid role,
* government parties making unofficial deals with convicted criminals sitting in the Dail,
* another party whip allegedly grooming children allowed to still go unarrested and unnamed,
* increasing murders, coward anon trolls on Irish forums allowed slander and complete lie,
* a Green party denying the state to store emergency gas at Shannon – but at Shannon the USA troops are still using Ireland to ship arms/warplanes/kidnapped (PR called “Renditioned”) to war zones and Europe blacksites,
* the usual parties ignoring it all and deliberately silent,
* RTE top ranks still mega paid and let off doing “Agency” tax dodging acts,
* big companies and people let off with Euro millions – but you pay your TV licence or else be hunted down,
* Palestinian citizens killed and journalist murders ignored by an again too silent government,
* elderly wondering how not to freeze,
* middle-aged struggling to hold onto their homes,
* water charges still planned to be be sneaked in,
* Green party seeing more vehicle taxes,
* crazy school costs left again yearly unaddressed,
* usual parties using Seanad to tie over election losers till they can general election run again,
* Fianna Fail councilors screwing tenants,
* corrupt law-breaking judges at all levels allowed go unaccountable,
* landlords in government seeking tax-breaks for landlords,
* conflict of interest voting and law creation,
* elected getting €750+ a day telling people on less than €350 a week, how to cut back…
But hey, here’s two, near breadcrumb lumps of money coming (don’t forget to vote for us next time – local elections 2024) and further good news! Profits are way up for private building companies. So, the news is not all that bad. Your government loves you – well, till your money runs out. …Then you are to be considered a burden.
Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and The Green Party thanks you.