The following is opinion. One you are entirely free to disagree with.
Right now as things stand, in Ireland we have political parties in power ignoring what the the people are saying to them on many topics – from the out of date RTE licence racket to the issue of the Triple-lock and long established neutrality. The parties are acting undemocratic, not allowing referendums on some subjects while delaying democratic referendums on other matters such as our water resources and control over it, for years.
Abroad and at home, media are being as biased as hell. They play up certain matters while deliberate ignore other factors and don’t report them fully due to political bias. They lie and their use distraction tactics. From RTE, BBC, CNN, Fox news and other media outlets – including newspapers – they are all at it to some degree. Anyone that thinks different, is deluding themselves – but that’s still their right.
So, what are they all ultimately fighting over? Land and resources, for their personal selves in pocket, for their ego and hope to personally enrich themselves, while same time egotistical looking to make their own ‘mark’ in history of their country or even the world.
In each of their rush to lay claim to their own right to exercise control over matters and natural assets such as oil, gas, land territories and more, they ultimately forget one (of many) fundamental things. We are all just temporary Earth bound tenants.
* The Israel government is murdering innocents for the sake of land and offshore resources of Gaza. The latter being way under reported. American elected on opposite sides are each siding with a genocidal government. The rest of the world is ass-kissing to the lot of them for own reasons.
* Hamas is doing it’s own killings – or murders in the eyes of some – for their own reasons.
* Putin is killing people and stealing land for his own reasons.
* Prior Ukraine groups of a far-right nature, were previous killing people and terrorising others in order to ‘persuade’ them to vacate a South-East region.
* In African nations there is a mostly media buried, ongoing proxy war for resources and land between Russia, China and the USA. Each side has it’s own further backers and here too, there is much mutual ass-kissing for political and personal gain.
Here’s a thing. Sooner or later, each of us will die. Our time will be up. Time is the one thing we cannot beat. No war, no battle, no debate will beat it.
Here’s my opinion bit. As we are all ultimately temporary tenants or time limited visitors to lump of Earth floating around a celestial body burning away, we can either be prats (to put it mildly), be killers and selfish, or we can try and be the best we can be in all aspects. We don’t have to follow a religion to be the latter, but if we further choose that peaceful path, it should be our right too. Every person, regardless of religion, skin colour, ethnicity or other classification, should have the right and ability to exist as an Earth bound temporary tenant, for as long as possible. We should as decent people, support this notion.
So, knowing that our time is each ultimately limited, why are we as a species ultimately warring over something that we will never fully own or get to keep? For what? For a nation? For a group of people? For someone who thinks they have the right to exist more so than others? Why? When we are all going to die anyway? Let’s be honest here!
Yes, there are solutions to be sought in the world regarding allocation of many things, in order to see that the people we personally care about, are looked after better. However, at what point or price, is a price too high? After the deaths of ten innocent people in one country or 30,000+ in another such as Gaza? How about 300,000+ on one Ukraine side or 500,000+ so far on the opposite warring side? Calling for the end to the deaths of innocents, is not automatically a show of support for a warring side – despite what biased elected and media would have masses of others think!
We should ultimately be the best we can be and respect the right of all to exist as long as possible, while for better sharing the resources we have while we personally exist on a great big lump of an Earth covered body circling around a sun. How have we ultimately forgotten that we are all just time limited tenants upon this Earth? Each of us can be better than we were yesterday. We must continue to seek and do better ourselves. It’s ultimately the right thing to do before our own personal time is up. Share love and care, not make war upon one another.
You are free to disagree. Best wishes.
Human rights