Be in absolutely no doubt.
The return of our national leaker will means a major increase in PR stunts. This will come via the usual photo opportunities, deliberate glimpses shared into their personal lives (well-known marketing tactic – make a person relatable to you), come via their mates in biased media with an increased dose of friendly articles, increased news stories care of RTE (their main voice) and more stunts across social media. That said, a lot of Leo actions will be seen (and deliberate made to be seen) in the direction of housing. Since 2011, not only have Fine Gael made things worse, building increasingly less social housing in the state year on year, but after 2011, then created legislation alongside cooperating Labour, to allow USA/EU vultures race in and sweep up thousands of properties that should have been available to home buyers.
You were then and still not now, supposed to see what FG (and Labour) was up to at the time. Drop the building of social homes – but allow private entities to sweep in and buy what there was available. In other words, turn Irelands housing issue into an opportunity for private entities to even far more gamble and make even higher profits for themselves – while massively starving out the average home buyer in your area.
This is exactly what happened.
This is exactly what is still going on.
You’re just not meant to cop it all.
It’s only our teachers, our nurses, our local workers, our kids that are left without greater chances to obtain a decent priced roof over their head. Ireland, thanks to Fine Gael/Labour – then aided by Fianna Fail, has become the most expensive place to live in the world regarding mega increased rent prices. Prices that have raced up due to the actions of all three parties as they had each other’s back. You are not meant to cop all this.
NOW, Fine Gael wants to be better seen to better address the housing situation. Why? Sinn Fein.
Will Fine Gael roll back the vulture legislation that they created with the Labour Party, legislation that allowed to the vultures to come flooding in? No.
* By the way, while Fine Gael and the Labour party was doing all this, other European states were going in the opposite direction. They created legislations to STOP the gambling vulture entities racing in and property grabbing everything. Fine Gael and Labour knew this and likely said the equivalent of “Feck that and feck them!”. They carried on regardless. They had a private racket to further create in Ireland – and they did. On they continued!
They must carry out that #CETA agenda. Privitise as much as possible – and increase profit oppertunities for elites as much as possible.
….Back to the issue at hand.
Fine Gael now wants to be far more PR seen, to be tacking the housing crises. They want to be seen doing this because on no small way as they know they are going to take a hit at local (2024) and general elections (2025).
They had this problem before – But now they know they REALLY face a situation where they could (along with Fianna Fail/Labour) be totally ousted from government offices completely. In the last 100 years, each or all have been part of consecutive governments. As long as one of the three parties could get back to government office, the triple party political mafia were sure they could continue to dampen or stop things they didn’t all collectively like. NOW, they face a real possibility, they could ALL be turfed out of the next government en mass. This possible reality is sending shockwaves through all three Mafia-style operating parties.
The three parties know (a) Labour is going nowhere fast and (b) Fianna Fail is going to take an even more serious hit than Fine Gael. So, the best opertunity any of the three parties have, to still get one of their bretherern back into the next government office, is with Fine Gael. Therefore, their attempts to win back votes MUST begin as soon as possible. What’s the most biggest issue stoping this? Housing… Right, let’s be at least seen in PR terms, to be tackling it! You’re not supposed to cop all this.
Thus the forthcoming PR attempts to make it be seen that Fine Gael is really tacking our housing crises. A crises they not only helped to create but mega accelerated in crises! You’re were just not supposed to cop all this!
So, between now and 2025, Fine Gael has one main official task – and one unofficial task.
1. Be seen to be tacking housing.
2. Attack Sinn Fein.
In both of these efforts, they will be aided by the usual culprits, biased media and the other two parties of their triple party political mafia. You’re not supposed to cop all this as things will progress – and progress they will. Totally safe bet. Fine Gael (especially Leo) will from now on, be in pre-election mode at every opportunity. No ifs, no buts. Housing will be their main PR opportunity – while undermining Sinn Fein will be their covert operation. Hell, they have even drawn up an 18 page attack document plan to do so. You were never supposed to learn about this too.
Expect grinning faces of Fine Gael heads. Expect their dogsbody, Fianna Fail, to continue doing their bidding and expect Labour to continue to give out about the current housing/homeless crises – a crises they openly helped to create and accelerate in the first place. You were never supposed to cop all this.
As homeless are removed from O’Connell Streel – because the usual parties said it didn’t look good (for them?), and as the vultures are still allowed by FF/FG created legislation, to still bulk grab up any apartment stock that becomes available, expect little on the ground resolvent of the housing crises numbers – while at least, in PR terms there will be an increase of PR stunts to make it look as if something is being done between NOW and the next local/general election.
Our national leaker is now in charge. Let the Fine Gael reinvigorated PR games restart. You ain’t seen nothing yet!