I do agree that we must do our bit in contributing to save the planet regarding emissions. However, there must be equal admission that Ireland contributes 0.01% to the rest of the world, especially Russia, China, USA and even the likes of India and growing big states. Further more, the Ukraine situation reminds us once again that giving up too much of our ability to self-sustain our nation, our right to self-determination, is greater detrimental to the lives on our island today and tomorrow.
The current gas cutting by Russia is a simple example. This does not effect us as much, if at all because of our lack of dependency. Keep this in mind as we (Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Greens) further are chipping away at our beef, farming, fishing and other industries and generation skills/traditions that have helped to previous preserve more semblance of self-sustain ability. In possible going too far, are the three parties “cutting our nose off to spite our face?” Are we “shooting ourselves in the foot” too much – just so we look good in PR terms on an EU or world stage?
I am absolutely for doing the right thing but what we are more and more losing, in the long run, will it ultimately leave Ireland itself better off? When does “going far” then become “going too far!”
Food for thought.