
* Won’t disclose Garda abuses of human rights report.
* Deliberate adopted an inaccurate, wrong edited Mother and Baby Home report.
* Now won’t disclose prison report.
…But there’s nothing to hide here. Right? Move along please! Cover-ups? No. They would never do that surely? It’s just #howirelandworks again.
The levels of political corruption are unreal in 2022 Ireland – yet, going by information available, all too real at same time. It’s again #howirelandworks.
It will be alright. Calm down citizens. The #Untouchables will surely sort it. They are good at sorting an issue or crises out? Say nothing and keep voting for them. Good little Proles.
Ireland has the 4th highest GDP in the world, out of 187. Yet, with continuing mismanagement over decades, care of the usual parties, this is our capital main street in 2022. This is our GPO where men and women fought and died for a better Ireland. We have failed them in many ways. Truth?
You are not supposed to cop the double standards.
RTE heads and other government supportive media, are giving out about the increasing number of legal cases being taken against them over their reporting. Did it ever occur to RTE and its fan club, that if they actually told the full truth, asked the right questions to the right people and stopped their biased censorship, such cases might diminish? No. Let’s attack the potential victims rather than actually look at the possible real culprits and address their antics! Stay distracted everyone. Your government thanks you.
Philip Lynch, a former chairman of An Post, has become the first person in the history of the state to be found legally guilty of Insider Dealing.
Let’s be honest, most of us know his case is a likely scratch of a deep surface. Especially when you see the likes of previous Finance minister Michael Noonan getting to decide if bondholders should be burned or not – while he was a bondholder himself. Then there is Bertie Ahern, supposedly sitting on a Swiss consortium that wanted to buy Ireland forestry land – while he same time ran a state department that oversaw and managed what? Not a hard question. (Bertie claimed he hadn’t an Irish bank account at one stage. If he did have one anywhere at home, I wonder where he might have had one, if he did have one anywhere else, at the time! Himmm…)
Let’s not get started on the Ansbacher scandal… Media buried too.
Yea, Mr Lynch’s case is a mere glimpse into #howirelandworks – Let’s not kid ourselves. By the way, most of the above is also #rtecensored. Of course it is!
Carry on. Vote the #untouchables, allowing them to do it all and also get away with it all, back into office. Fianna Fail, Labour, Greens and Fine Gael thank you. Now go back to sleep.
“Department of Foreign Affairs also forked out well over €1m on a new project to build a new ‘Ireland House’ in San Francisco, according to a database of costs from last year”
That’s in addition to “An outlay of €365,000 on luxury cars, €45,000 on business-class flights, removal and storage costs of over half a million euro, and €13,500 for four bronze busts of the late John Hume were among the bills at the Department of Foreign Affairs last year.” LINK
Nice, very nice… it’s a bit odd though. No mention on RTE. It too must be #rtecensored?
I don’t know if I should apologise or not.
I was told during the week to lay off the government by stop exposing their antics, stop questioning dodgy deals and cancel attempts to highlight greed, fraud and abuses. It appears some people in Dublin are not too happy with me. If I don’t lay off, the continuing ‘having a good go at me, will continue’ I’m informed.
I do know a few things (quite a few actually – many things I can’t post for legal reasons or to protect sources) – but if I am to apologise for something, I won’t do so by being threatened. That just encourages me more to keep going. Red rag to a stubborn bull.
Maybe I wouldn’t need to call for greater accountability and better true democracy if our still government elected would do better? I do apologise if that’s a mad notion!
There ya go, there’s an apology. You’re welcome.